Closed Astrovic closed 9 months ago
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Accuracy |
Average daily accuracy obtained from the average of the following values:
Reaction Time |
Average daily reaction time obtained from the average of the following values:
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Average daily accuracy for "valid" target squares preceded by cues on the same side (AccValidDay), defined as the percentage of green target squares (D2 or D6, collectively considered) touched within the allotted time (Treact) preceded by cues on the same side, on a working day.
AccValidDay is obtained through the following procedure.
1) For each trial, calculate the percentage of target squares (D2 or D6, collectively considered) touched within the allotted time Treact preceded by cues on the same side (AccValidTrial).
2) For each session, calculate the average of AccValidTrial for all trials scheduled in the session (AccValidSession).
3) For each day, calculate the average of AccSession for all sessions conducted (AccValidDay).
Average daily accuracy for "invalid" target squares preceded by cues on the opposite side (AccInvalidDay), defined as the percentage of green target squares (D2 or D6, collectively considered) touched within the allotted time (Treact) preceded by cues on the opposite side, on a working day.
AccInvalidDay is obtained through the following procedure.
1) For each trial, calculate the percentage of target squares (D2 or D6, collectively considered) touched within the allotted time Treact preceded by cues on the opposite side (AccInvalidTrial).
2) For each session, calculate the average of AccTrial for all trials scheduled in the session (AccInvalidSession).
3) For each day, calculate the average of AccSession for all sessions conducted (AccInvalidDay).
Average daily reaction time for "valid" target squares preceded by cues on the same side (ReactTimeValidDay), defined as the reaction time to touch the green target squares (D2 or D6, collectively considered) within the allotted time (Treact) preceded by cues on the same side, on a working day.
ReactTimeValidDay is obtained through the following procedure.
1) For each trial, calculate the reaction time to touch the green target squares (D2 or D6) within the allotted time Treact (ReactTimeValidTrial) preceded by cues on the same side.
2) For each session, calculate the average of ReactTimeInvalidTrial for all trials scheduled in the session (ReactTimeValidSession).
3) For each day, calculate the average of ReactTimeInvalidSession for all sessions conducted (ReactTimeValidDay).
Average daily reaction time for "invalid" target squares preceded by cues on the opposite side (ReactTimeInvalidDay), defined as the reaction time to touch the green target squares (D2 or D6, collectively considered) within the allotted time (Treact) preceded by cues on the opposite side, on a working day.
ReactTimeInvalidDay is obtained through the following procedure.
1) For each trial, calculate the reaction time to touch the green target squares (D2 or D6) within the allotted time Treact (ReactTimeInvalidTrial) preceded by cues on the opposite side.
2) For each session, calculate the average of ReactTimeInvalidTrial for all trials scheduled in the session (ReactTimeInvalidSession).
3) For each day, calculate the average of ReactTimeInvalidSession for all sessions conducted (ReactTimeInvalidDay).
Avg 7 days
Indicates the average trend of the value over the past 7 working days
Avg 30 days
Indicates the average trend of the value over the past 30 working days