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Definizioni Grafico 7 (Inglese) #55

Closed Astrovic closed 10 months ago

Astrovic commented 10 months ago


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Average daily accuracy in response to D4 target GO squares (AccGODay), defined as the percentage of green target squares (D4) touched within the given time (Treact), on a working day.

AccGODay is obtained through the following procedure.

1) For each trial, calculate the percentage of green target squares (D4) touched within the given time Treact (AccGOTrial).

2) For each session, calculate the average of AccGOTrial for all trials planned in the session (AccGOSession).

3) For each day, calculate the average of AccGOSession for all conducted sessions (AccGODay).


Average daily accuracy in response to D4 NOGO squares (AccNOGODay), defined as the percentage of correctly untouched red target squares NOGO within the given time (Treact), on a working day.

AccNOGODay is obtained through the following procedure.

1) For each trial, calculate the percentage of correctly untouched red target squares NOGO within the given time Treact (AccNOGOTrial).

2) For each session, calculate the average of AccNOGOTrial for all trials planned in the session (AccNOGOSession).

3) For each day, calculate the average of AccNOGOSession for all conducted sessions (AccNOGODay).


Average reaction time per day in response to D4 target GO squares (ReactTimeGODay), defined as the reaction time to touch the green target squares (D4) within the given time (Treact), on a working day.

ReactTimeGODay is obtained through the following procedure.

1) For each trial, calculate the reaction time to touch the green target squares (D4) within the given time Treact (ReactTimeGOTrial).

2) For each session, calculate the average of ReactTimeGOTrial for all trials planned in the session (ReactTimeGOSession).

3) For each day, calculate the average of ReactTimeGOSession for all conducted sessions (ReactTimeGODay).

Avg 7 days

Indicates the average trend of the value over the previous 7 working days.

Avg 30 days

Indicates the average trend of the value over the previous 30 working days.

Astrovic commented 10 months ago


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Daily average accuracy obtained from the average of the following values:

  • Daily average accuracy in response to D4 target GO squares (AccGODay), defined as the percentage of green target squares (D4) touched within the given time (Treact), on a working day.
  • Daily average accuracy in response to D4 NOGO squares (AccNOGODay), defined as the percentage of correctly untouched red target squares NOGO within the given time (Treact), on a working day.

Reaction Time

Average daily reaction time obtained from the average of the following values:

  • Average daily reaction time in response to D4 target GO squares (ReactTimeGODay), defined as the reaction time to touch the green target squares (D4) within the given time (Treact), on a working day.