acalcutt / jaxa_AW3D30_to_MBTiles

Scripts to create a mbtiles file from jaxa AW3D30 elevation images. To download jaxa data please register an account with them first.
MIT License
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More detailed DEMS #3

Open utagawal opened 9 months ago

utagawal commented 9 months ago

Any possibiliyt to allow other inputs and make the config files more customizable ?

For example being able to specify DEMs with higher resolution (we have 5m now for most western countries and even LIDAR) and as a fallback use AW3D30 ?

Dataset Viewport Disk space Resolution Format Comments Link
ETOPO1 Globale 0.45 GB 2000m GeoTiff Contient la bathymétrie
GEBCO_2019 Globale 10 GB 200m GeoTiff Contient la bathymétrie
NASADEM Globale 120 GB 30m GeoTiff ou HGT
IGN RGE Alti France Dom/Tom 600 GB 5m et 1m ASC Certaines zones basse résolution (voir fichiers liés dans livraison)
TIN Italy Italie 15 GB 10m GeoTiff
Sonny DEM Europe ? 20m ? Composite de très bonne qualité
SwissAlti Suisse 700 GB 2m et 50cm GeoTiff STAC ( ou

This will certainly require to specify URL, file format and re-projection.

Challenge will be to be carefull on how to manage potential artefacts at tiles and country borders when multiple DEMS overlap and do not have the same resolution.

acalcutt commented 9 months ago

I am open to suggestions on how to make it more customizable and maybe have some inputs. for different sources usually I just make a copy of the script and tweak it, for example I had made one for GEBCO bathymetry which is basically the same with a few tweaks

The real trouble for me is the space each layer takes. if you want to do higher resolution, each zoom layer is basically 4x bigger than the one before it. With the jaxa dataset, zoom 11 looks pretty much as good as it will get, and that takes 138GB. just adding 1 level to zoom 12 brings that up to 427GB. I'd imagine going one more zoom level up to 13 is going to bring that file to at least 1TB, possibly 2TB

I do like the idea of using higher resolution with fallback to jaxa, but I have no idea how you would accomplish that. it seems like you would need layers or masking in the gdal vrt portion of the script, and i'm not sure that is an option. We had discussed something similar filtering by height at , and masking was a suggestion, which is similat to what this would need I think.

utagawal commented 9 months ago

Agree with what you're saying but see below the difference on our sample over France, this looks really great and I'm really looking being able to offer such nice rendering for the planet even with storage needs are over a TB (as long as the script can do it, we can use cloud compute power to calculate it once and make it available (torrent ?) for everyone like planetiler does it for the OSM data in mbtile)

Capture d’écran 2023-09-16 082113

Capture d’écran 2023-09-16 082238

A couple of findings :

Zoom level Resolution (meters/px) Best dataset Dataset native resolution (m/px) Coverage Dataset SRID Alternate datasets (*)
1 55,346 ETOPO1 1800 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
2 27,673 ETOPO1 1800 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
0 13,837 ETOPO1 1800 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
3 6,918 ETOPO1 1800 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
4 3,459 ETOPO1 1800 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
5 1,730 GEBCO_2019 464 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
6 865 GEBCO_2019 464 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
7 432 GEBCO_2019 464 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
8 216 NASADEM 30 Global 4326 N/A
9 108 NASADEM 30 Global 4326 N/A
10 54 NASADEM 30 Global 4326 N/A
11 27 IGN_5m 5 France 2154 SwissAlti2m, TINItaly, IGN_spain
12 14 IGN_5m 5 France 2154 SwissAlti2m, TINItaly, IGN_spain
13 7 IGN_5m 5 France 2154 SwissAlti2m, TINItaly, IGN_spain
14 3.4 IGN_1m 1 France 2154 SwissAlti2m, TINItaly, IGN_spain
15 1.7 IGN_1m 1 France 2154 SwissAlti50cm, TINItaly, IGN_spain
16 0.8 IGN_1m 1 France 2154 SwissAlti50cm, TINItaly, IGN_spain
utagawal commented 9 months ago

Maybe some ideas here :

utagawal commented 3 months ago

The real trouble for me is the space each layer takes. if you want to do higher resolution, each zoom layer is basically 4x bigger than the one before it. With the jaxa dataset, zoom 11 looks pretty much as good as it will get, and that takes 138GB. just adding 1 level to zoom 12 brings that up to 427GB. I'd imagine going one more zoom level up to 13 is going to bring that file to at least 1TB, possibly 2TB

I do like the idea of using higher resolution with fallback to jaxa, but I have no idea how you would accomplish that. it seems like you would need layers or masking in the gdal vrt portion of the script, and i'm not sure that is an option. We had discussed something similar filtering by height at , and masking was a suggestion, which is similat to what this would need I think.

Now with the Webp compression I guess it opens new opportunity size wise ?

Also to continue the discussion :

Another approach would be to keep the terrain data at Z12 and work on a hillshading mbtile till Z15 ?

acalcutt commented 3 months ago

I don't think I had ever mentioned it, but I did test making a swisstopo Z0-Z17 in terrarium format just to see if I could make it

It looks pretty good up untill zoom 16/17 where it starts to get a bit blocky image

I do wonder though if I went back to terrainrgb format and found some better defaults for base and interval if it would look better. maplibre support for other base/intervals has been added in . I also have not yet tested how it looks in just the default mapbox terrainrgb defaults, but it sounds like they are not good for high zoom levels

acalcutt commented 3 months ago

After that I also tried to combine TIN Italy with swisstopo with something like the following. this seemed like it was working but eventually the system froze on me so I never finished. I originally tried to use the tifs from both sets directly, but it was complaining of different projections, so I added a intermediate step of creating vrts in the projection I wanted, then combing them into a file list to combine into a combined vrt later.


#Requires custom version of rio rgbify which adds terrarium encoding support ( )


[ -d "$OUTPUT_DIR" ] || mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR || { echo "error: $OUTPUT_DIR " 1>&2; exit 1; }

#rm rio/*

for i in /mnt/usb/tinitaly/input/*.tif;
  do gdalwarp -of VRT $i ${i%%.*}_out.vrt -t_srs "EPSG:3857";

for i in /mnt/usb/swisstopo_to_mbtiles/download/*.tif;
  do gdalwarp -of VRT $i ${i%%.*}_out.vrt -t_srs "EPSG:3857";

printf '%s\n' /mnt/usb/tinitaly/input/*.vrt >filenames.txt
printf '%s\n' /mnt/usb/swisstopo_to_mbtiles/download/*.vrt >>filenames.txt

gdalbuildvrt -overwrite ${vrtfile} -input_file_list filenames.txt
gdalwarp -r cubicspline -t_srs EPSG:3857 -dstnodata 0 -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE ${vrtfile} ${vrtfile2}
rio rgbify -e mapbox -b -10000 -i 0.1 --min-z 0 --max-z 15 -j 16 --format png ${vrtfile2} ${mbtiles}
utagawal commented 3 months ago

Yes you have to normalize projection before doing that. That was probably not necessary using only one dataset, but using multiple sources will make that step mandatory.

You also have to do the dataset fusions at borders BEFORE the rendering takes place else it's generating unwanted artefacts.