acaloiaro / neoq

Queue-agnostic background job library for Go, with a pleasant API and powerful features.
MIT License
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make the future jobs check interval configurable in MemBackend #25

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

package neoq

import (


const (
    // TODO make MemBackend queue capacity configurable
    defaultMemQueueCapacity = 10000 // the default capacity of individual queues
    emptyCapacity           = 0

// MemBackend is a memory-backed neoq backend
type MemBackend struct {
    cancelFuncs      []context.CancelFunc // A collection of cancel functions to be called upon Shutdown()
    cron             *cron.Cron
    logger           Logger
    jobCheckInterval time.Duration // the duration of time between checking for future jobs to schedule
    mu               *sync.Mutex   // mutext to protect mutating state on a pgWorker
    jobCount         int64         // number of jobs that have been queued since start
    handlers         sync.Map      // map queue names [string] to queue handlers [Handler]
    fingerprints     sync.Map      // map fingerprints [string] to their jobs [Job]
    futureJobs       sync.Map      // map jobIDs [int64] to [Jobs]
    queues           sync.Map      // map queue names [string] to queue handler channels [chan Job]

func NewMemBackend(opts ...ConfigOption) (n Neoq, err error) {
    mb := &MemBackend{
        cron:             cron.New(),
        mu:               &sync.Mutex{},
        queues:           sync.Map{},
        handlers:         sync.Map{},
        futureJobs:       sync.Map{},
        fingerprints:     sync.Map{},
        logger:           slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout)),
        jobCount:         0,
        cancelFuncs:      []context.CancelFunc{},
        jobCheckInterval: DefaultJobCheckInterval,

    for _, opt := range opts {

    n = mb


// Enqueue queues jobs to be executed asynchronously
func (m *MemBackend) Enqueue(ctx context.Context, job Job) (jobID int64, err error) {
    var queueChan chan Job
    var qc any
    var ok bool

    if qc, ok = m.queues.Load(job.Queue); !ok {
        return UnqueuedJobID, fmt.Errorf("queue has no listeners: %s", job.Queue)

    queueChan = qc.(chan Job)

    // Make sure RunAfter is set to a non-zero value if not provided by the caller
    // if already set, schedule the future job
    now := time.Now()
    if job.RunAfter.IsZero() {
        job.RunAfter = now

    if job.Queue == "" {
        err = errors.New("this job does not specify a Queue. Please specify a queue")


    err = fingerprintJob(&job)
    if err != nil {

    // if the job fingerprint is already known, don't queue the job
    if _, found := m.fingerprints.Load(job.Fingerprint); found {
        return DuplicateJobID, nil

    m.fingerprints.Store(job.Fingerprint, job)

    job.ID = m.jobCount
    jobID = m.jobCount

    // notify listeners that a new job has arrived if it's not a future job
    if job.RunAfter == now {
        queueChan <- job
    } else {


// Listen listens for jobs on a queue and processes them with the given handler
func (m *MemBackend) Listen(ctx context.Context, queue string, h Handler) (err error) {
    var queueCapacity = h.queueCapacity
    if queueCapacity == emptyCapacity {
        queueCapacity = defaultMemQueueCapacity

    m.handlers.Store(queue, h)
    m.queues.Store(queue, make(chan Job, queueCapacity))

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    m.cancelFuncs = append(m.cancelFuncs, cancel)

    err = m.start(ctx, queue)
    if err != nil {


// ListenCron listens for jobs on a cron schedule and handles them with the provided handler
// See: for details on the cron spec format
func (m *MemBackend) ListenCron(ctx context.Context, cronSpec string, h Handler) (err error) {
    cd, err := crondescriptor.NewCronDescriptor(cronSpec)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    cdStr, err := cd.GetDescription(crondescriptor.Full)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    queue := stripNonAlphanum(strcase.ToSnake(*cdStr))

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    m.cancelFuncs = append(m.cancelFuncs, cancel)

    err = m.Listen(ctx, queue, h)
    if err != nil {

    m.cron.AddFunc(cronSpec, func() {
        m.Enqueue(ctx, Job{Queue: queue})


// Shutdown halts the worker
func (m *MemBackend) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
    for _, f := range m.cancelFuncs {

    m.cancelFuncs = nil


// WithConfig configures neoq with with optional configuration
func (m *MemBackend) WithConfig(opt ConfigOption) (n Neoq) {

// start starts a queue listener, processes pending job, and fires up goroutines to process future jobs
func (m *MemBackend) start(ctx context.Context, queue string) (err error) {
    var queueChan chan Job
    var qc any
    var h any
    var handler Handler
    var ok bool
    if h, ok = m.handlers.Load(queue); !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("no handler for queue: %s", queue)

    if qc, ok = m.queues.Load(queue); !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("no listener configured for qeuue: %s", queue)

    go func() { m.scheduleFutureJobs(ctx, queue) }()

    handler = h.(Handler)
    queueChan = qc.(chan Job)

    for i := 0; i < handler.concurrency; i++ {
        go func() {
            var err error
            var job Job

            for {
                select {
                case job = <-queueChan:
                    err = m.handleJob(ctx, job, handler)
                case <-ctx.Done():

                if err != nil {
                    m.logger.Error("error handling job", err, "job_id", job.ID)
                    runAfter := calculateBackoff(job.Retries)
                    job.RunAfter = runAfter


func (m *MemBackend) scheduleFutureJobs(ctx context.Context, queue string) {
    // check for new future jobs on an interval
    // TODO make the future jobs check interval configurable in MemBackend
    ticker := time.NewTicker(m.jobCheckInterval)

    for {
        // loop over list of future jobs, scheduling goroutines to wait for jobs that are due within the next 30 seconds
        m.futureJobs.Range(func(k, v any) bool {
            job := v.(Job)
            var queueChan chan Job

            timeUntilRunAfter := time.Until(job.RunAfter)
            if timeUntilRunAfter <= DefaultFutureJobWindow {
                go func(j Job) {
                    scheduleCh := time.After(timeUntilRunAfter)
                    if qc, ok := m.queues.Load(queue); ok {
                        queueChan = qc.(chan Job)
                        queueChan <- j
                    } else {
                        m.logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("no listen channel configured for queue: %s", queue), errors.New("no listener configured"))

            return true
        select {
        case <-ticker.C:
        case <-ctx.Done():

func (m *MemBackend) handleJob(ctx context.Context, job Job, handler Handler) (err error) {
    ctxv := handlerCtxVars{job: &job}
    hctx := withHandlerContext(ctx, ctxv)

    // check if the job is being retried and increment retry count accordingly
    if job.Status != JobStatusNew {
        job.Retries = job.Retries + 1

    // execute the queue handler of this job
    handlerErr := execHandler(hctx, handler)
    if handlerErr != nil {
        job.Error = null.StringFrom(handlerErr.Error())


// queueFutureJob queues a future job for eventual execution
func (m *MemBackend) queueFutureJob(job Job) {
    m.fingerprints.Store(job.Fingerprint, job)
    m.futureJobs.Store(job.ID, job)

// removeFutureJob removes a future job from the in-memory list of jobs that will execute in the future
func (m *MemBackend) removeFutureJob(jobID int64) {
    if j, ok := m.futureJobs.Load(jobID); ok {
        job := j.(Job)