Open Evane5cence opened 2 weeks ago
Req_Network_injected_packets_num = 2872744
Req_Network_cycles = 262598
Req_Network_injected_packets_per_cycle = 10.9397
Req_Network_conflicts_per_cycle = 64.3919
Req_Network_conflicts_per_cycle_util = 65.1456
Req_Bank_Level_Parallism = 11.0677
Req_Network_in_buffer_full_per_cycle = 0.0000
Req_Network_in_buffer_avg_util = 250.5793
Req_Network_out_buffer_full_per_cycle = 0.8221
Req_Network_out_buffer_avg_util = 11.4200
Reply_Network_injected_packets_num = 2872744
Reply_Network_cycles = 262598
Reply_Network_injected_packets_per_cycle = 10.9397
Reply_Network_conflicts_per_cycle = 13.6370
Reply_Network_conflicts_per_cycle_util = 13.9928
Reply_Bank_Level_Parallism = 11.2252
Reply_Network_in_buffer_full_per_cycle = 0.0000
Reply_Network_in_buffer_avg_util = 1.4637
Reply_Network_out_buffer_full_per_cycle = 0.0000
Reply_Network_out_buffer_avg_util = 0.1013
It seems that the Req_Network_conflicts_per_cycle is too high, and becomes the bottleneck. How should I solve this?
You can try different scheduling algorithms. I believe default uses iSLIP_Advance()
Hi, I found that the performance of ICNT performance is low, making my application bounded by it. May I ask how can I tune the config file to increase the ICNT performance? Thank you!