Closed apuaaChen closed 4 years ago
It seems you are using PTX execution, so, are you sure you are using the most recent GPGPU-sim 4.0?
We have tested CUTLASS v1.3 with GPGPU-sim 4.0 and it worked successfully. A compatible CUTLASS v1.3 comes with accel-sim app collection here. If you want to run the compatible CUTLASS v1.3, please follow the instructions on the accel-sim framework here. You are using the most updated cutlass 2.2 and there might new wmma instruction format in the cutlass 2.2 that we did not handle. So, please ensure to use GPGPU-sim 4.0 and the compatible CUTLASS v1.3.
Hi! I'm trying to simulate the in cutlass.
I directly use the docker image provided here. And I have the gpgpusim.config of TITAN V at the same directory.
The .cu file is compiled with the code as follows
/usr/local/cuda-11.0/bin/nvcc -std=c++11 -x cu -gencode arch=compute_70,code=compute_70 -cudart shared -I/accel-sim/host/cutlass/include -I/accel-sim/host/cutlass/tools/util/include -I/accel-sim/host/cutlass -o wmma_gemm
Then, I run the
, and I got the Syntax error as followsOn the other hand, the that doesn't use the tensor core can be successfully simulated.
So is there any way to solve this syntax error? Thanks!