access-ci-org / Integration_Roadmaps

ACCESS Infrastructure Integration Roadmaps
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Remove/Replace Alex as Coordinator of CyberSecurity Tasks #38

Closed jpnavarro closed 11 months ago

jpnavarro commented 1 year ago

The Document Management section of CyberSecurity tasks lists the CyberSecurity lead (Alex Withers), and the person that assisted the lead (Shane Files) to produce the documents. Alex needs to be removed/replaced from these documents:

mollycule commented 1 year ago

in the future, i think this will be a great ticket to assign to a Team Lead (in this case Derek Simmel from Cybersecurity) for them to decide document ownership

jpnavarro commented 1 year ago

Alex Withers delegated to Shane Filus creating and maintaining CyberSecurity related Integration Roadmaps documentation, which is why both Alex and Shane are the listed coordinators for CyberSecurity tasks. As a general rule it makes sense for us to assign issues like this to an active owner (Shane) and for him to work with Derek about whether they want Derek listed or not, since Derek is provisional CyberSecurity lead.