access-ci-org / Jetstream_Cluster

Scripts and Ansible Playbooks for building an HPC-style resource in Jetstream
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how to enable slurm job accounting? #12

Open fengggli opened 2 years ago

fengggli commented 2 years ago



I am trying to rebuild my slurm cluster to JetStream2 following this guide (

I am using the current "rocky-linux" branch and the jetstream featured rocky image, as suggested by the above guide. I can build the cluster correctly, but by default the job accounting is disabled:

[rocky@slurm-headnode-tt ~]$ sacct -Pj12
Slurm accounting storage is disabled


Is there any guide/suggestsion on how to enable job accounting correctly, for Cluster created using the "rocky-linux" branch?


I used to have an old fork (a914cc084f) of this repo that I use to deploy cluster in JetStream1. for my JetStream1 deployment, I could uncomment those two lines in /etc/slurm/slurm.conf for the job accounting to work:


However, this does not work for the newer deployment, and it seems that the filetext accounting storage type is deprecated in newer slurm.

Thanks! Feng