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Implement app tagging system #4

Open lberrymage opened 2 years ago

lberrymage commented 2 years ago

Allow developers to add tags to their app like "requires GMS," or "open-source" for filtering and categorization. Arbitrary tag names should not be allowed; tag names should come from a predefined list of allowed values to ensure they're actually useful for filtering.


This is an enhancement to

S7venLights commented 1 year ago

See for category tagging inspiration

Allowing the user to assign custom tags should help too as then every user can choose what they need

loyl1 commented 1 year ago

Near the top of the page, possibly list "popular tags" "Open Source" "Communication" " etc Can expand to "all tags" In this way, those who follow open source religiously can hide all closed source apps. Possibly allow filter by multiple tags, like "open source" and "security"