accumulator / Quickddit

Reddit client for Jolla's SailfishOS, Ubuntu Touch and Nokia N9
GNU General Public License v3.0
53 stars 21 forks source link

Reddit Thirdy Party App API issues and making API's pay to use [NOTABUG] #104

Open Thaodan opened 1 year ago

Thaodan commented 1 year ago

Please read here for more:

I think we should coordinate/sign this and bring put pressure on Reddit.

vige commented 1 year ago

It's starting to look like Reddit is dead. Perhaps it's time to start planning a lemmy client?

Thaodan commented 1 year ago

It's not that bad at the moment. Right now it's about applying enough pressure so that there's change, it seems like Reddit wants third-party clients and bots, they depend on them.

We just have to wait for now. I don't think such a low volume client will be affected much. The only thing that affects this one too is the NSFW filtering.

Vistaus commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to save this app, and if you want to save it as well, please voice your support in this issue:

accumulator commented 1 year ago

Exposing the API key in the config with a short explanatory message how to create one might be the best solution. This way light users will probably stay in the free tier, while heavy users can decide whether to pay themselves.