accumulator / Quickddit

Reddit client for Jolla's SailfishOS, Ubuntu Touch and Nokia N9
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Strikeout text not rendered correctly #11

Closed szopin closed 8 years ago

szopin commented 8 years ago

Wonder if it is Silica bug and should be reported there, but strikeout (strikethrough?) text is rendered as normal (or maybe it is good instead of having it not rendered at all, but thought will report it, not sure if seen silica strikeout, BTW totally GRATZ for fixing the non-rendering high resolution pics, it was awesome!!! Seeing now android users complain about gifv or something not rendering correctly for them and am just like: why not use the superior platform, quickddit is just better than xyz.

accumulator commented 8 years ago

Good catch. This is apparently default behaviour of the Silica/QtQuick RichText element, although it seems to support the <s> element:

Will try to work around this via the CSS support, but I give this a 50% chance of success..