accumulator / Quickddit

Reddit client for Jolla's SailfishOS, Ubuntu Touch and Nokia N9
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Consistent crashing while trying to add a comment #20

Closed szopin closed 8 years ago

szopin commented 8 years ago

Three times in a row, not sure if parent comment or the thread is the issue, but quickddit crashed three times on me on this one

accumulator commented 8 years ago

thanks for reporting, but I cannot reproduce. It's unlikely to be related to the context, but instead the message contents you're trying to post..

accumulator commented 8 years ago

I suspect this might be related to the rate limiter, which can reply with an error, which wasn't handled properly until commit 4b6b7e6e98d405e6c0eb95239b9ba6a567743abc

Can you confirm you were adding multiple comments in a short time when it happened?

szopin commented 8 years ago

Yes, that must've been it, tried adding a comment there later and it didn't crash quickditt, so most likely this, nice catch!

szopin commented 8 years ago

not sure how to edit on mobile, but just to add, I was changing the comment on each try, so crash-based-on-content is very unlikely, was just generic text, no links/formatting, must've been limit

accumulator commented 8 years ago

ok, great! closing.