accumulator / Quickddit

Reddit client for Jolla's SailfishOS, Ubuntu Touch and Nokia N9
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Confusion with [S] tag on [deleted] user #57

Closed Thra11 closed 4 years ago

Thra11 commented 4 years ago

If the poster deletes their account or disowns their post, their username is shown as "[deleted]". If other users have disowned comments on the post, or commented then deleted their account, they also show up as [deleted]. Quickddit appends [S] to all [deleted] users, making it look like they are all the original poster. On the reddit website, the equivalent microphone symbol is not shown when the original poster is [deleted].

I assume this can be added as an exception to some string matching somewhere. I don't know if there are other 'special' usernames which should also be treated as exceptions.