accumulator / Quickddit

Reddit client for Jolla's SailfishOS, Ubuntu Touch and Nokia N9
GNU General Public License v3.0
53 stars 21 forks source link

UI gripes in SFOS #89

Open ApostolosB opened 2 years ago

ApostolosB commented 2 years ago

Using the app i couldn't help but notice a few issues with the UI.

First and foremost the inverse navigation pattern from going to the Subreddits page from the main page of the app. It should be a LtoR swipe since the /hot page is part of the Subreddits.

Next is the accounts UI. You are presented with two buttons (sign in and accounts). And its a bit confusing. Assume you have signed in the first time the reasonable thing to do is hit the sign in button each time after that. Nope you have to go to accounts and log in from there. IMO the accounts should be listed in that section and sign in to them with a tap or something. It will probably be much cleaner this way. Also moving the account section on top and adding a pulley to create an account.

Another minor one is getting presented with a red warning sign when tapping the "go to specific subreddit" entry for the first time. It makes sense to be red when you do something wrong but not the first time you tap it.

Thaodan commented 1 year ago

Part of this will be addressed in #94.

ApostolosB commented 1 year ago

@Thaodan thanks. The biggest issue remains the inverse navigation pattern.