accumulator / Quickddit

Reddit client for Jolla's SailfishOS, Ubuntu Touch and Nokia N9
GNU General Public License v3.0
53 stars 21 forks source link

Update to use Sailfish.WebView #93

Closed tsyesika closed 1 year ago

tsyesika commented 1 year ago

This is continuing the work made by @Thaodan to change from SilicaWebview to SailfishWebview. This addresses it on both the website rendering for a reddit post as well as the login page. I've addressed the problem of the pullup menu not working by wrapping the webview components in a SilicaFlickable.

I have noticed that the reddit login can be a bit finicky, often when you try to login it will succeed in the background, send you back to the login back without an error. To get around this you can pulldown and refresh the page. I have tested this with Firefox on the desktop and the same problem is exhibited so I do not think this is a problem with Quickddit, but reddit.

Thaodan commented 1 year ago

I'll still work on that PR however I can pick your fix.

The reason why the PR is still wip because I think there's another place still using the old plugin.

Please give me a few days.

tsyesika commented 1 year ago

Sounds good :) let me know if you update your other PR and I can close this one.

tsyesika commented 1 year ago

Closing this in favour of #87