acdh-oeaw / eurotort

Eurotort - Database on European Tort Law
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help_texts #26

Closed csae8092 closed 8 months ago

csae8092 commented 8 months ago
Class Field Field type Verbose name Help text notes
Person id BigAutoField|Primary Key
Person last_name CharField Last name only first character uppercase, please
Person first_name CharField First name only first character uppercase, please
Person contact EmailField Contact E-mail address we would prefer e-mail with a hyphen
Person orcid CharField ORCID ORCID (as URL) orcid not very common - we might rethink this field
Person M2M|legal_system M2M Legal system
Case id BigAutoField|Primary Key please change #CourtDecision to #Case
Case FK|legal_system FK Legal system if possible please use legal_system instead of partial_legal_system
Case FK|Court FK Court Deciding court
Case decision_date DateField Date Date of decision decision only with one s
Case case_number CharField Case number Case number (file number/reference as cited in the given legal system, e.g. "[2010] UKSC 33" for a UK Supreme Court decision or "VI ZR 548/12" for a German BGH decision) please change file_number to case_number
Case parties CharField Parties Parties or name of the case (if cited in the given legal system) please change to parties (plural)
Case reported_in CharField Reported in Reference to law report or journal reporting the case in a given legal system please change decission_location to reported_in; this can probably also be a CharField (max lenght ~1000 chars, usually around 150 chars)
Case FK|bibliographic_item FK Bibliographic source statt year_book_title und year_book_issue
Case subject_matter CharField Subject matter Brief information on what the case concerns (for Yearbook cases, this is the headline provided by the author) please change short_description to subject_matter; this can be a CharField (max lenght 100 chars)
Case facts TextField Facts Summary of the facts please change situation to facts
Case decision TextField Decision Decision of the court please change motto to decision
Case commentary TextField Commentary Commentary by the author
Case additional_information TextField Additional information Additional information provided by the author (e.g. related publications, comments etc.)
Case M2M|Keyword M2M Keywords Keywords
Case M2M|Tag M2M Tags Tags
Case potentially new: related_decisions Related decisions we are currently debating an additional M2M field establishing a relation between different cases
Case M2M|Person M2M Author
LegalSystem id BigAutoField|Primary Key please change #PartialLegalSystem to #LegalSystem
LegalSystem name CharField Name
LegalSystem ecli_abbr CharField ECLI country code
LegalSystem legal_database URLField Legal database Link to legal database
Court id BigAutoField|Primary Key
Court name CharField Court Court name (in original language)
Court abbreviation CharField Abbreviation
Court new: translated_name CharField Court name (translated) Court name (translated into English) we found that court names are inconsistent right now - some containing only the original name, some also the translated name in brackets; we plan on harmonising court names manually to only contain the name in original language, while the english translation would be stored in a seperate field
Court ecli_abbr CharField ECLI court code
Court is_high_court BooleanField Highest Court True, if court is a highest court in a country
Court new: notes TextField Notes Optional notes optional field to allow additional information on a court (e.g. that it is discontinued due to law reform)
Court M2M|legal_system M2M Legal system please change to legal_system instead of partial_legal_system
Keyword id BigAutoField|Primary Key
Keyword name CharField Keyword
Keyword introduction TextField Introduction
Keyword FK|part_of FK Parent
Keyword M2M|see_also M2M Related to
Tag id BigAutoField|Primary Key
Tag tag CharField Tag
BibliographicItem id BigAutoField|Primary Key
BibliographicItem title CharField Bibliographic source
BibliographicItem doi URLField DOI DOI (URL)
BibliographicItem new: FK|part_of FK Parent For chapters, select volume here we discussed this issue. two levels of bibliographic items seem preferable: standalone publications and volumes (parents) and chapters (who have their own DOI and are "part_of" the main volume)