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political event #23

Closed csae8092 closed 3 years ago

csae8092 commented 3 years ago

potential new class "Event" link to case-study?

csae8092 commented 3 years ago

Tabelle/Klasse anlegen "Event" mit den Feldner "start_date" "end_date" "written_date" "description" sowie "use_case" und die infos aus dem Worddokument importierern (so gut das geht), dann könnt ihr neue 'Events' anlegen und die mit use-cases verknüpfen;


284 – 311 Emperor Diocletian’s reforms change the Roman Empire’s structures and institutions

306-337 Emperor Constantine I defeats his rival Maxentius (312) and promotes Christianity

Ca. 375 Huns arrive north of the Black Sea and crush the Goths, many of whom cross the Lower Danube into the empire

378 Goths revolt and rout emperor Valens and his army in the Battle of Adrianople

379 – 395 Emperor Theodosius I. overcomes his rival, but bloody battles for the throne become endemic and weaken defenses against ‘barbarians’

406 A mixed group of Vandals, Alans, and Suebi cross the Rhine and plunder in Gaul and Spain

407 The usurper Constantine withdraws the Roman troops from Britain, where imperial control ends.

410 Visigoths under Alaric sack Rome

c. 435-453 Attila, King of the Huns, establishes a steppe empire in the Carpathian Basin and leads major raids into the Balkan provinces, Gaul and Italy

439 The fall of Carthago seals the Vandal conquest of Africa, Rome’s richest province

440s Burgundian kingdom in SW-Gaul; Angles and Saxons expand in Britain

454 After Attila’s death, his empire collapses, and Goths, Gepids and other peoples control the Carpathian Basin

Ca. 463 First mention of central Asian Avars in Byzantine sources in connection with westward migration of Sabirs, Ogurs, Saragurs, and Onogurs

476 Deposition of the last Western Roman emperor Romulus Augustus by the officer Odoacer

489-93 Ostrogoths under Theoderic conquer Italy

482-511 King Clovis I establishes a Frankish kingdom in Gaul, pushes Visigoths into Spain

527 – 565 East Roman (Byzantine) emperor Justinian I. His reign marks a period of military expansions, religious disputes, artistic and cultural vivacity, and crucial legislative activities.

535-554 Gothic war in Italy, Byzantines destroy Ostrogothic kingdom

552 Turks destroy Empire of the Rouran (Avars) in Mongolia

559 – 561 A group of Avars under Khagan Baian advances north of the Black Sea and defeat Sabirs, Utigurs, and Antes

567 Decisive victory of the Lombards under Alboin against the Gepids in the Carpathian Basin

568 Lombards and affiliated groups under King Alboin leave Pannonia and establish their rule in parts of Italy; the Avars occupy the Carpathian Basin

582 Avar and Slavic raids intensify in Balkan Peninsula

610 – 641 Emperor Heraclius; victory against Persia after a long war (628)

623 – 638 Dagobert I., king of the Franks; Frankish power begins to decline

626 Failed siege of Constantinople ends Avar raids; successful rebellion of Slavs in Bohemia/Moravia under Samo

c. 630 Newly unified Chinese Empire under the Tang Dynasty overcomes First Turkish Khaganate in Mongolia

630/35 Bulgar Empire north of the Black Sea under Khan Kuvrat expands against Avars and Turks

c. 670 Khazars defeat Bulgars and establish new steppe empire north of the Caucasus

680s Khan Asparuch founds a Bulgar khanate in the NE Balkan Peninsula

711 Visigothic defeat against Muslim invaders and establishment of Muslim al-Andalus

714–741 Charles Martel, Frankish mayor of the palace, begins new cycle of Frankish expansion

754 – 768 Pepin (or Pippin) the Younger, first Carolingian King of the Franks (751)

768 – 714 Charlemagne King of the Franks, King of Italy (f. 774), Holy Roman Emperor (f. 800),

774 Charlemagne conquers the Lombard realms under king Desiderius.

791-796 Charlemagne’s armies subdue Avar khaganate meeting little resistance

793 Viking raids begin with destruction of the monastery of Lindisfarne

799–803 Avar uprising against the Franks ultimately fails; Franks organise lands between Enns and Raba rivers and control Slavic groups in the rest of Pannonia

800 (25th of December) Charlemagne crowned emperor by pope Leo III in Rome

814-840 Louis the pious emperor and King of the Francs, Carolingian power begins to decline

826 Beginning of Ansgar’s missionary career in Scandinavia

843 Treaty of Verdun marks the division of the Frankish empire into three parts (Lothar I, Louis “the German”, Charles II “the Bald”)

845 Sack of Paris and destruction of Hamburg by Norman raiders

863 – c. 885 Mission of Konstantinos and Methodios to the Moravians, sent by Constantinople.

869 – ca. 885 Methodius leads the mission in Pannonia and meets fierce resistance at the hand of the Bavarian bishops, foremost archbishop Adalwin of Salzburg.

c. 900 Hungarian realm established in the Carpathian Basin; beginning of raids in Italy and the Frankish kingdoms, Bavarian defeat at Bratislava (?, 907)

948 Bishoprics established in Denmark

955 August 10th, second battle of Lechfeld, King Otto has a decisive victory against the Hungarians.

963 Denmark officially Christian

983 Revolt of pagan Slavs in the Elbe region against Saxon dominance

995–1028 Christianisation of Norway by Olav Tryggvason and Olav Haraldsson

c. 1000 Iceland, Hungary and Poland Christianised

1013–1042 Danish rule in England

1066 Norman conquest of England

1104 Lund replaces Hamburg as archbishopric of the North

1126–1152 Missionary work of Vizelin among the northern Elbe Slavs

1131–1157 Danish civil wars

1130–1177 Norwegian civil wars

1147 Beginning of crusading against pagans in the Baltic region

1152 Nidaros (Trondheim) becomes archbishopric for Norway, Iceland, Faroes, Greenland

1164 Uppsala becomes archbishopric for Sweden

csae8092 commented 3 years ago

class model.Event added