acdlite / redux-router

Redux bindings for React Router – keep your router state inside your Redux store
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Router unwanted replace on lazy load route #216

Closed topheman closed 8 years ago

topheman commented 8 years ago

I'm using the following:


My problem: I implemented lazy load of components with react-router & require.ensure from webpack on the /lazy route. It's working great.

When I access directly (first load) the #/lazy route, I'm correctly routed to the right component, but the url is replaced by #/, so if I reload, I won't be routed on the same way as I first landed. Is it standard behavior ? Did I mess up with the route declaration ?

As you'll see on the screencast, it seems that redux-router is making "REPLACE" instead of "POP" (or is it comming from history ?...) any advice welcome.

Here is a screencast:

This is testable at (hit the button "I'm a developer", you'll even have sourcemaps, redux-dev-tools and logging).

My routes:

const lazyRouteLoader = (location, cb) => {
  require.ensure([], (require) => {
    cb(null, require('./containers/Lazy/Lazy'));

const lazyHomeRouteLoader = (location, cb) => {
  require.ensure([], (require) => {
    cb(null, require('./containers/LazyHome/LazyHome'));

export default (
  <Route path="/" component={App}>
    <IndexRoute component={Home}/>
    <Route path="github" component={Github}/>
    <Route path="github/user/:username" component={GithubUser}/>
    <Route path="redux" component={Redux}/>
    <Route path="lazy" getComponent={lazyRouteLoader}>
      <IndexRoute getComponent={lazyHomeRouteLoader}/>

My configuration of the reduxReactRouter view source:

const storeEnhancers = [
    routerStateSelector: state => ({
      location: {
        pathname: undefined
      routes: [],
      params: {},
      components: [],

You can find the code of the project I'm talking about on this branch: , more specificly on this commit:

mjrussell commented 8 years ago

@topheman Was curious because I implemented the same thing recently and don't have this issue. Pulled it down and changed:

const storeEnhancers = [
    routerStateSelector: state => ({
      location: {
        pathname: undefined
      routes: [],
      params: {},
      components: [],


const storeEnhancers = [

And it worked like a charm. You do get some errors in the console but those should be fixed by #202

topheman commented 8 years ago

It works, but then, I get the following warnings when I directly access /lazy:

capture d ecran 2015-12-18 a 22 14 59

It was the reason I put that in the first place.

mjrussell commented 8 years ago

@topheman See the PR I linked #202

topheman commented 8 years ago

Thanks @mjrussell this should fix my problem (and obviously I wasn't the only one), I tried to fix it an other way but ran into an other bug.

Any ETA on the next release on npm ?

Scarysize commented 8 years ago

@topheman I will try to get one out today.

mjrussell commented 8 years ago

Found an issue where #202 didn't fully solve the problem, put in #220 to address it.

Scarysize commented 8 years ago

@topheman I lied :/ We still have some todos before the next npm publish. Sorry!

topheman commented 8 years ago

@Scarysize you're doing a great work! Thank you for that. I will wait for it.