ace-subido / css3-microsoft-metro-buttons

my CSS3 library for making Microsoft-metro themed buttons
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How can I make more colour classes? #32

Open eggbean opened 11 years ago

eggbean commented 11 years ago

Nice work, although I am not entirely convinced that the active state gradients are what Metro's about.

I thought gradients (along with rounded corners, bevelled edges, glass, reflection and gloss effects, drop shadows, etc, are the things that Metro discards.

In any case, how can I make more colour classes easily, with the same harmonic relations on the colour wheel? It'll probably take me an hour or more to do it mathematically.

ace-subido commented 11 years ago

sure, go ahead and create more colour classes :)

dylemma commented 11 years ago

@ace-subido I think you may have misread jason's question :P

ace-subido commented 11 years ago

oh man, sorry bout that hehe, misread that for another question. well for starters, I grabbed the purple from microsoft's websites.

but a good place I used to start on the site was this: