ace-subido / css3-microsoft-metro-buttons

my CSS3 library for making Microsoft-metro themed buttons
785 stars 93 forks source link

Buttons not barrier-free #39

Open Pinguwien opened 11 years ago

Pinguwien commented 11 years ago

Hi there,

first of all great buttons you made here, thank you!

I'm using the buttons (without javascript) via a-class for a sharepoint 2010 application i developed at a university in germany, and (besides some css-issues with sharepoint when using the minified css-version m-styles) they're working pretty fine. Just one thing I noticed and changed in my implementation:

For our environment, there's a need to have barrier-free "buttons" to work with, so if someone has problems with his/her eyes and can't distinguish the buttons only from their color, I added a slight padding-change to 13px 16px to active buttons. Just wanted to tell you about it, perhaps you could add a css-class or to make them barrier-free if you want.

Best regards, Dominik

Here's an example of what I mean, please don't worry about the language. Its groargh! (german) ;)
