ace-wg / mqtt-tls-profile

Document for MQTT-TLS-profile
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Nits/Typos/References #65

Closed ciseng closed 3 years ago

ciseng commented 4 years ago

A compilation of all nits: == Line 497 has weird spacing: '...rotocol  name ...'   == Line 901 has weird spacing: '...rotocol  name ...'   == The document seems to lack the recommended RFC 2119 boilerplate, even if      it appears to use RFC 2119 keywords. ( I think that is an error as I can see the section 1.1.)   == Unused Reference: 'RFC7250' is defined on line 1135, but no explicit      reference was found in the text  -- Unexpected draft version: The latest known version of      draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz is -34, but you're referring to -35.  -- Unexpected draft version: The latest known version of      draft-ietf-ace-oauth-params is -12, but you're referring to -13.  -- Unexpected draft version: The latest known version of      draft-ietf-ace-pubsub-profile is -00, but you're referring to -01.

Cigdem: Could not find the weird spacing; RFC 2119 boilerplate error seems to be bug; cited RFC7250 for raw public keys; the rest of draft versions are correct (it seems like the nits are not updated).

ciseng commented 4 years ago

Change: "from the AS as described in Section 5.6.1 of the ACE framework    [I-D.ietf-ace-oauth-authz], however, it MUST set the profile    parameter to 'mqtt_tls'. "

To: "from the AS as described in Section 5.6.1 of the ACE framework    [I-D.ietf-ace-oauth-authz], with the profile    parameter set to 'mqtt_tls'. "

Cigdem: Removed that statement, Added: The AS informs the client that selected profile is "mqtt_tls" using the "ace_profile" parameter in the token response.

From: "The AS uses JSON in the payload of its responses to both to the    Client and the RS."

To: "The AS uses JSON in the payload of its responses to the    Client and the RS."

Cigdem: Fixed.

ciseng commented 4 years ago

"The MQTT session state is identified by the Client identifier and    includes state on client subscriptions, QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages    which have have not been completely acknowledged or pending    transmission to the Client,"

Duplicate have.

Cigdem: Fixed

ciseng commented 4 years ago

"AIF-Generic<topic_filter, permissions> = [* [topic_filter,permissions]]" Missed space after topic_filter


ciseng commented 4 years ago

As in MQTT v5.0, The Token MAY either be transported before by    publishing to the "authz-info" topic, or inside the CONNECT message.

The Token - wrongly capitalised.

Cigdem: Fixed

ciseng commented 4 years ago

"CONNECT without a token: It is not possible to support AS       discovery via sending a tokenless CONNECT message to the Broker.       This is because a CONNACK packet in MQTT v3.1.1 does not include a       means to provide additional information to the Client.  Therefore,       AS discovery needs to take place out-of-band.  CONNECT attempt       MUST fail."

Finish last sentence wit Tokenless CONNECT attempt MUST fail.

Cigdem: Fixed

ciseng commented 4 years ago

This document registers 'EXPORTER-ACE-MQTT-Sign-Challenge' from    Section in the TLS Exporter Label Registry TLS-REGISTRIES    [RFC8447].

-> Section number should be 12.

Cigdem:Fixed to this: This document registers 'EXPORTER-ACE-MQTT-Sign-Challenge' (introduced in Section in this document) in the TLS Exporter Label Registry [RFC8447].

ciseng commented 4 years ago

General comments from Marco:


ciseng commented 4 years ago

[Section 1]


ciseng commented 4 years ago



ciseng commented 4 years ago


ciseng commented 4 years ago

[Section 2.2.5]

Cited RFC6234, and RFC8032, respectively - but noticed HS256 is not usually provided with a citation in other RFCs using it.

[Section 3]


ciseng commented 4 years ago

[Section 6.1]


ciseng commented 4 years ago

The response includes the    parameters described in Section 5.6.2 of the ACE framework    [I-D.ietf-ace-oauth-authz].

The fact that the profile parameter with value "mqtt_tls" is included in this response must be specified here.

Fixed: Added: "and specifically, the "ace_profile" parameter is set to "mqtt_tls" at the end of the sentence.

ciseng commented 4 years ago

When CBOR is used, the    interactions must implement Section 5.6.3 of the ACE framework    [I-D.ietf-ace-oauth-authz].

must ->MUST


ciseng commented 4 years ago

Need to reference CDDL.

Fixed: Added RFC8610

ciseng commented 4 years ago


framework to enable    authorization in an Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT)


-- he token may be a reference or JSON Web Token    (JWT)

add a reference to rfc7519 You could also add a informative reference to 8392 for the CWT.

-- Missing references to CoAP (informative) and HTTPS (or rather references to HTTP and TLS). Fixed all - added RFC7230 for https

ciseng commented 4 years ago

Similarly, the server MUST NOT process    any packets other than DISCONNECT or an AUTH that is sent in response    to its AUTH before it has sent a CONNACK.

add "from that client"


ciseng commented 4 years ago


which have have not been completely acknowledged or pending remove one of the "have" 

  In case of an invalid    PoP token, the CONNACK reason code is '0x87 (Not Authorized)'.

This is in the section about success, while there is a separate section for unauthorized request, where imo this would fit better.

Sentence removed.

ciseng commented 3 years ago

Francesca: No, what I meant is that for example when publishing to authz-info the client MUST use TLS:Anon-MQTT:None, as described in 2.2.2, so the "RECOMMENDED that the Client follows TLS:Anon-MQTT:ace" does not apply to that particular communication. I was just hoping you could add some context about when it is recommended to use TLS:Anon-MQTT:ace (this is basically just an editorial/clarification)

Added: It is RECOMMENDED that the Client uses "TLS:Anon-MQTT:ace" as a first choice when working with protected topics. However, depending on the Client capability, Client MAY use "TLS:Known(RPK/PSK)-MQTT:none", and consequently "TLS:Anon-MQTT:None" to submit its token to "authz-info".

ciseng commented 3 years ago

In this profile, the Broker SHOULD always start with a clean session regardless of how these parameters are set.

Francesca: > Does this mean that when the Broker recognizes that this spec is used, it SHOULD disregard the parameters value and start a clean session? What are the cases where this is not done ("If necessary" in the next paragraph)?

[CS: Yes, if it does not want to support session continuation, it always starts clean session.

If necessary was added due to providing potentially support for better QoS,

but it may be other reasons. So, instead of prescribing a reason, I opted

for "If necessary", where the need is determined by the Broker provider. ]

FP: Ok, thanks for the clarification. Changing "If necessary" to "If the Broker provider requires it" (or something of the sort) would have helped me in this case, as that removes the vagueness of "necessary".

Added: The Broker MAY support session continuation e.g., if the Broker requires it for QoS reasons.

ciseng commented 3 years ago

includes state on client subscriptions, QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages Francesca: QoS->QoS level

Changed to: messages with QoS levels 1 and 2

ciseng commented 3 years ago

If the Client does not provide a valid token or omits the Authentication Data field, the Broker triggers AS discovery.

FP: This comment comes from my interpretation of "valid token", which to me comes from the framework, where the token is validated to make sure that it is integrity protected, comes from the AS and covers the resource requested (that also includes not expired). What I was asking you to add is the case where the token cannot be validated, because it is malformed so it cannot be parsed or validated, and same for the Authentication data.

This is covered in the text but re-emphasize.

Reworded as: If the Client does not provide a valid token or omits the Authentication Data field, or the token or Authentication data are malformed, authentication fails.

ciseng commented 3 years ago

Section 3:

What does it mean to have an empty array for scope? (as that is allowed)

[CS: Do you mean I should add that as an explanation? It means no


FP: I was just noting that the empty array is a possible option according to the draft's CDDL (i.e. a Broker would not reject with error such an empty array), and I was wondering how that would be interpreted. If it's no permission, it would be good to clarify. Otherwise you could add a requirement to the AS that it MUST NOT be the empty array.

Added: If the scope is empty i.e., the JSON array is empty, the RS records no permissions for the client for any topic. In this case, the client is not able to publish or subscribe to any protected topics.

ciseng commented 3 years ago

Scope appears in section 2.1 for the first time, but its encoding is only

defined in section 3.

[CS: Do you suggest doing a forward reference to section 3 from section


FP: Yes.


ciseng commented 3 years ago

Section 4 talks about reauthentication. What described for

reauthentication should work also for update of access rights, is that

correct? Does that add any considerations? Anyway I think update of access

rights should be discussed in this document.

[CS: Yes, that would update the access rights. ] FP: Will you add a sentence about that in the spec?

Changed the title of the section:Token Expiration, Update and Reauthentication, and reworded slightly.

ciseng commented 3 years ago

[CS: Client Authorisation Server was defined in the old actors draft -

Daniel made a similar comment. Not sure what terminology the group settled

on after the draft expired.]

FP: I see. I suggest using "Client-Authorisation Server interface", which to me is more intuitive. Formally defined CAS