aceakash / string-similarity

Finds degree of similarity between two strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance.
MIT License
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Feature suggestion - pass array of objects as targets for findBestMatch function #125

Open chrissyast opened 2 years ago

chrissyast commented 2 years ago

Use case: Instead of wanting to compare ["foo","bar","baz"], it can be useful to pass in an array of objects for which you want to compare one property, i.e.

    { name: "foo", otherProperty: 23 },
    { name: "bar", otherProperty: 27 },
    { name: "baz", otherProperty: 99 }

and instruct the function to compare based on the name property, but return the whole object in the response.

I have already created a PR #124 for this. Just need approval

semimono commented 1 year ago

This use case is too specific and too easily adapted to work with the existing interface of the library. What if I wanted it to return the index instead of the property? Or wanted it to select a key on an object within an object within the root-level list?

To adapt the existing interface to operate on this data, you could wrap it in a function:

function findBestMatchForObject(mainString, targets, key) {
  const match = findBestMatch(mainString, => o[key]));
  for (const o of targets) {
    if (o[key] === match) {
      return o;

If you really can't afford the slight performance loss in creating an extra list and iterating an extra time (which is unlikely, this is JS, and the findBestMatch function does a lot more work than the aforementioned additional work), then I would advise just copying the code or forking the project. It is MIT.