aceberg / WatchYourLAN

Lightweight network IP scanner with web GUI
MIT License
1.24k stars 55 forks source link

Add device type column #15

Open Amoenus opened 1 year ago

Amoenus commented 1 year ago

Please consider adding an additional column where the Device Type can be specified.

Here's a list for insparation

Device Types


Audio & Video

Home & Office

Smart Home





aceberg commented 1 year ago

@Amoenus I'm planning to add tag column, where user can specify device type, location or anything else

RonOsborne commented 1 year ago

Could a "Sort by" be added to all columns? ie An Up & Down arrow on each column. PS. Great container.

otravers commented 1 year ago

Great suggestions. With Tagging and sorting/grouping by tag, I could replace the spreadsheet I have to maintain manually to keep track of my fixed IPs, device names, device types, and rooms.

It's normal to have 50 IP devices on your home network, right? Right??