aceberg / WatchYourLAN

Lightweight network IP scanner with web GUI
MIT License
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Feature request : log management / rotate or compress #48

Closed eskiiom closed 1 year ago

eskiiom commented 1 year ago


I am running watchyourlan for a while now. It's so handy when you have too many devices running :) But I just noticed that the logfile of this container is now 1.2Gb large. (running since sept. 19th) Could there be an option to free some space ? Or can I just wipe the log file without loosing any data ?

Thanks !

aceberg commented 1 year ago


I am running watchyourlan for a while now. It's so handy when you have too many devices running :) But I just noticed that the logfile of this container is now 1.2Gb large. (running since sept. 19th) Could there be an option to free some space ? Or can I just wipe the log file without loosing any data ?

Thanks !

Yes, you can safely wipe the log.

It's actually Docker's responsibility to handle containers logs. So, to avoid this problem in the future, you can configure log file limit in /etc/docker/daemon.json or for a single container:

eskiiom commented 1 year ago

Great thank you for your detailed answer, will check that option !