aceberg / WatchYourLAN

Lightweight network IP scanner with web GUI
MIT License
1.24k stars 55 forks source link

Issue deploying #55

Open droidus opened 1 year ago

droidus commented 1 year ago

I am deploying with docker via the command line and the config file. Here is my line: docker run --name watchyourlan \ -e "TZ=Etc/UTC" \ --network="host" \ -v /root/docker/WatchYourLan:/data \ -v /root/docker/WatchYourLan/config:/data/config \ aceberg/watchyourlan Here is the output from that command: 2023/06/15 14:18:27 ERROR: unable to open database file: out of memory (14) 2023/06/15 14:18:27 INFO: Table created! 2023/06/15 14:18:27 ERROR: db_select: unable to open database file: out of memory (14)

mandraid commented 1 year ago

Can anyone please assist?