aceberg / WatchYourLAN

Lightweight network IP scanner with web GUI
MIT License
1.24k stars 55 forks source link

Only 50 Addresses Shown #62

Open Steve1971Git opened 9 months ago

Steve1971Git commented 9 months ago

Firstly, let me thank you for a very useful tool and your continued support.

The issue I am having curently is that the local network I scan has 100+ devices online at any one time, but the WYL home page only ever show a maximum of 50 IP's, in my case - Anyting higher than 50 is now ever shown as online.

Hope there is a fix for this.

aceberg commented 9 months ago

Hi! Thanks for the feedback!

I'm afraid that's the problem of arp-scan tool used by WYL. I'll look into it in the next release.

aceberg commented 8 months ago

I'm not sure this will solve the problem, but there is now an option to tweak arp-scan timeout. May be setting longer timeout will help (like 2000 ms)

Steve1971Git commented 8 months ago

I'm not sure this will solve the problem, but there is now an option to tweak arp-scan timeout. May be setting longer timeout will help (like 2000 ms)

Are you able to point me in the right direction as to where I would tweak the arp-scan setting?

Steve1971Git commented 8 months ago

arp-scan timeout

Found it in the Config page, trying it out now.

Steve1971Git commented 8 months ago


I have set the Arp Timeout value to 2000, but this seems to have made no difference, I can still only see 50 [up] addresses on my IP range.

Screenshot 2023-10-13 104900

aceberg commented 8 months ago


Ok. Can you please execute arp-scan -glNx -I YOUR_IFACE on the same host as WYL? It will help determine whether the problem is within WYL or arp-scan. I don't need full scan results, just the fact that bug keeps showing in arp-scan or not.

Steve1971Git commented 8 months ago

So I have run the following:

sudo docker exec WatchYourLAN arp-scan -glNx -I ovs_eth2

Scan results show nothing higher than

Steve1971Git commented 3 months ago

Hi aceberg,

Have you any idea when this issue is likely to be sorted. If I list my offline devices, I see devices from through to 254, but if I look at the online devices, the list stops at device an never displays any devices higher than the 1st 50. Is there a limit set on the amount of only devices that can be displayed, have a missed something?