aceberg / WatchYourLAN

Lightweight network IP scanner with web GUI
MIT License
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Adjusted HTML files to make them responsive for better viewing on mobile (addressing issue #51) #67

Closed adamadavidson closed 6 months ago

adamadavidson commented 6 months ago

HTML adjusted to make them responsive and better sized when viewed on a mobile device. There should be no change when viewing these on tablets large screens.

Changes include:

aceberg commented 6 months ago

Hi! Merged your PR into separate branch to look at it first (image aceberg/watchyourlan:dev).

I agree with most changes, but:

Can you, plese, split your chenges in 2 different pull requests:

adamadavidson commented 6 months ago

No problem, will do.

I know how to fix the GitHub icon colour, so will do that in the second PR. I couldn't work out how to deal with the Bootstrap js link in the footer, as I know nothing about Go or npm! I'd tried to follow the conditional mechanism in header.html but that didn't work for me. Will put the Bootstrap js link into the second PR in the hope that you can fix it :)

Thanks for looking at it so quickly!

aceberg commented 6 months ago

It's OK, I'll fix the JS link