aceberg / WatchYourLAN

Lightweight network IP scanner with web GUI
MIT License
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Feature request: Scan multiple subnets #9

Open broizter opened 1 year ago

broizter commented 1 year ago

This might be out of scope for the project though since arp-scan is limited to the local network only.

ricardoglima commented 1 year ago

I believe it your benefit some home users and small companies witch can check new devices added to the network and identify possible rogue equipment.

modem7 commented 1 year ago

This is definitely the feature I'd need to be make this viable for my usecase.

I currently use PiHole + Unifi console to fulfil this job on five subnets, so it'd be nice to have a GUI and have a dedicated tool for this job.

Although, thinking about it, not quite sure how you'd get arpscan to scan multiple subnets without some weird network-foo. Maybe IPVLAN or MACVLANs (e.g. this or this?)

aceberg commented 1 year ago

I'm thinking about replacing arp-scan with my own tool, but that needs time and some research

modem7 commented 1 year ago

Instead of arp, would listening for dhcp be a potentially better solution?

spoilt999 commented 1 year ago

I am able to scan multiple subnets by putting the container on multiple vlans/networks

reneManqueros commented 1 year ago

AFAIK: ARP can only get neighboring nodes, so only for those subnet its part of, it can't go into a different network and query that table. Maybe this could be implemented by changing the backend from arp-scan to nmap (e.g. nmap -sn )?

thehijacker commented 1 year ago

I think my question fits in this topic. I am using docker-compose to start WYL. As interface I have put eth0 and it finds only devices in 172.x.x.x network which I think are the docker interfaces. What I need is to scan for all the subnets I have in my network:, and Can this be done?

huntson commented 7 months ago

Is this gonna happen?

broizter commented 7 months ago

I haven't taken a look at the actual code but moving over to nmap should in theory not be too difficult and would allow scanning multiple subnets. I have made my own script that does this and notifies if it detects new devices. It's rudimentary but works well.

meditant commented 4 months ago

And it's possible to scan /16 network ?