acecilia / OpenWRTInvasion

Root shell exploit for several Xiaomi routers: 4A Gigabit, 4A 100M, 4, 4C, 3Gv2, 4Q, miWifi 3C...
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Xiaomi 4A Gigabit cannot telnet. #53

Closed petervans2077 closed 3 years ago

petervans2077 commented 3 years ago
Router IP address [press enter for using the default]:
stok: correct_stok
stok: correct_stok
start uploading config file...
start exec command...
done! Now you can connect to the router using several options: (user: root, password: root)
* telnet
* ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -c 3des-cbc -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@
* ftp: using a program like cyberduck

After runing the exploit script, I still cannot tenet to my Mi Router.

telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
petervans2077 commented 3 years ago

firmware version is miwifi_r4a_firmware_51508_2.28.38.bin,whose md5 matches the one you show in

petervans2077 commented 3 years ago

exploit script version is the latest

acecilia commented 3 years ago

I do have two xiaomi 4A gigabit routers and I can exploit without any issue. Most probably your network configuration is too complex. Try a simple network configuration or use exploit version 0.0.1. Please read the readme and other issues in this repository to see how other people solved it

xvoidnessx commented 3 years ago

Hey primelyw,

I had your issue and managed to solve it.

I am doing this in a vm, and it looked like that I must access the router from within the VM to obtain the correct STOK, it looks like the router is returning a different stok for different client, so if you are not accessing it from where you are flashing you wont have the correct STOK, also dont forget to have internet ON.

You can un-comment 2 lines in the script to get more verbose output status of the codes execution, the script is trying to upload a payload to the router and then execute it to start up the services,

I would highly recommend we turn these on by default, because the script just assume the code always get executed correctly which is not always true.

Remove the # infront of the 2 lines as below to get a more verbose output.

Line 69: print(r1.text) Line 78: print(r2.text)

Wrong STOK payload didnt get executed hence cant telnet

Router IP address [press enter for using the default]: stok: b041deacfad1569c57cab738d27b7135

router_ip_address: stok: b041deacfad1569c57cab738d27b7135

start uploading config file... {"code":401,"msg":"Invalid token"} start exec command... {"code":401,"msg":"Invalid token"} done! Now you can connect to the router using several options: (user: root, password: root)

this one is correct stok, you can see a different message, and the services are open for connections

Router IP address [press enter for using the default]: stok: 2068901f541fd8255afabec832ea4d76

router_ip_address: stok: 2068901f541fd8255afabec832ea4d76

start uploading config file... {"code":1629,"msg":"解压失败,可能文件已经损坏"} start exec command... {"download":72.33,"bandwidth":0.57,"code":0} done! Now you can connect to the router using several options: (user: root, password: root)