acemod / ACE3

Open-source realism mod for Arma 3
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Add ability to disable remote detonation for explosives #5101

Closed Pergor closed 7 years ago

Pergor commented 7 years ago

Hi guys!

I'm currently working on a jammer script that should add the ability to jam remote detonation of explosives/IEDs in a certain radius around a jammer vehicle. Unfortunately either I can't find a function to disable remote detonation (without actually defusing or detonating the explosive) or there actually isn't any.

That might be a feature to add, so jammers can be made.

kripto202 commented 7 years ago

instead of disabling, you could greatly decrease the range.

AACO commented 7 years ago

The RHS DUKE system uses a work around where they disable the simulation of the explosive when the device is within range of the jamming system. However this comes with it's own set of issues, namely timers/pressure plates fail to work properly.

Pergor commented 7 years ago

If that'll disable the setDamage command on the explosive that's being triggered by the detonator, it should be a suitable workaround. I'm looking into finding out how I can return the selected trigger type for a certain explosive.

ace_explosives_fnc_triggerType seems to only return triggers for a certain class of explosives, not the actual trigger for a specific explosive.

Pergor commented 7 years ago

enableSimulation does not seem to disable setDamage on mines... So it's back to the drawing board. :(

Pergor commented 7 years ago

For everyone interested, finding out the kind of trigger used on a mine was actually pretty easy: { private _mine = _x; private _trigger = getText (configFile >> "cfgammo" >> typeOf _mine >> "mineTrigger"; if ( toUpper _trigger isEqualTo "REMOTETRIGGER" ) then { //that's a mine with a remote trigger }; } count allMines;

PabstMirror commented 7 years ago

Check out PR

That will be able to give the specific ace trigger. A charge wired with a M57 clacker will have the same typeOf as one with a wireless M152.