Closed EliasOriley closed 6 years ago
needs to be called where the unit is local
server's rpt should have errors like ERROR_1("addDamageToUnit - badUnit %1", _this);
to fix just use a simple event setup like this
init.sqf (run on all machines)
["pabst_addDamPass", {_this call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
and then replace
[_x, 0.2, "leg_r", "ropeburn"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit;
["pabst_addDamPass", [_x, 0.2, "leg_r", "ropeburn"], _x] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
Let us know if you are still having problems
Hello, I convert the "Rick_Contamination_script" into ACE. When I try it in the Editor on Multiplayer it works fine. But when I try it on a dedicated Server nothing is happening, rpt dont show any Errors.
rick_contamination.sqf `if (isserver OR isdedicated) then {
}; `
`_player = _this select 0;
if (isdedicated) exitwith {};
waituntil {goggles _player == "G_Respirator_white_F" OR goggles _player == "G_Respirator_white_F" OR goggles _player == "G_Respirator_white_F"};
while {alive _player AND (goggles _player == "G_Respirator_white_F" OR goggles _player == "G_Respirator_white_F" OR goggles _player == "G_Respirator_white_F")} do { playsound3d ["A3\sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\other\diver-breath-2.wss", _player,false,getposASL _player, 0.8,1,15]; sleep 5;
null = [_player] execVM "rick_survival\rick_mask_breathe.sqf";`
Script in the trigger which fires the script.
`cuttext ["0400 Uhr","BLACK OUT"]; setDate [2016, 10, 5, 4, 0]; g1 say3D "sound4"; g2 say3D "sound4"; g3 say3D "sound4"; g4 say3D "sound4"; g5 say3D "sound4"; g6 say3D "sound4"; g7 say3D "sound4"; g8 say3D "sound4"; g9 say3D "sound4"; g10 say3D "sound4"; g11 say3D "sound4"; sleep 5; cuttext ["","BLACK IN"]; cuttext ["ABC Alarm!!!","PLAIN"]; sleep 5; cuttext ["","PLAIN"]; sleep 0.5; 0 setFog [1, 1, -10]; sleep 0.5; 120 setFog [0.5, 1, 9]; sleep 0.5;
null = [g1, 10, 80, 10] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf"; sleep 0.5;
null = [g2, 10, 80, 10] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf"; sleep 0.5;
null = [g3, 10, 80, 10] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf"; sleep 0.5;
null = [g4, 10, 80, 10] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf"; sleep 0.5;
null = [g5, 10, 80, 10] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf"; sleep 0.5;
null = [g6, 10, 80, 10] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf"; sleep 0.5;
null = [g7, 10, 80, 10] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf"; sleep 0.5;
null = [g8, 10, 80, 10] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf"; sleep 0.5;
null = [g9, 10, 80, 10] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf"; sleep 0.5;
null = [g10, 10, 80, 10] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf"; sleep 0.5;
null = [g11, 10, 80, 10] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf";
null=[] spawn { while {true} do { player action ["lightOff",btr1]; sleep 0.01};}; null=[] spawn { while {true} do { player action ["lightOff",btr2]; sleep 0.01};}; null=[] spawn { while {true} do { player action ["lightOff",btr3]; sleep 0.01};}; null=[] spawn { while {true} do { player action ["lightOff",btr4]; sleep 0.01};};
Thanks a lot.