aces / EEG2BIDS

EEG2BIDS Wizard: a tool for converting raw EEG and iEEG data into the BIDS standard data structure, prepared for LORIS (Longitudinal Online Research and Imaging System).
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default readme in BIDS dataset after conversion #88

Open Remi-Gau opened 2 years ago

Remi-Gau commented 2 years ago


We (BIDS maintainers) are trying to see if we can improve the quality of the average README in BIDS dataset. Those tend to be pretty thin and are missing some information we would like to see there even if it cannot be formalized "yet" into the BIDS specification.

Hoping to leverage the bids converters to help to do.

So I am going around the different BIDS converters repo to see if we can start improving the default README they put in a the BIDS dataset.

There is template that is provided in the BIDS starter kit:

Some possible options:

  1. use this template is
  2. use a subset of it
  3. add a link to the template README
  4. something else (a mix of 2 and 3?)

What do you think? I can try to open a PR if you want.

Also let us know if you think that the template README in the starter kit could / should be improved .

Feel free to disregard if you are already using some version of the template README.

christinerogers commented 2 years ago

Hi @Remi-Gau , Thanks for bringing this to our attention - a valuable feature to add to this converter. To start, we'll look to note in the existing tool docs about adding a readme manually for complete BIDS compliance, and link to the template.

In the next round of changes / public release for the converter, the tool can likely just ask users to select the Readme file they've already prepared for inclusion - similar to how users provide a prepared JSON of all the (BIDS non-required) recording parameters. Currently the converter is task-based and many user likely prefer to add a readme for the whole session at a later point, so to give them the option the readme prompt might not be mandatory, just very visibly recommended.

We can prioritize either of the above when we next do a public release of this tool (currently not sure when) and we can follow up for feedback then. I'll also follow up with in another channel on implications for the bids-validator since alerts from that library would be useful too.

Remi-Gau commented 2 years ago

Sounds like a good approach.

In general anything that nudges / helps / guides users towards adding more info into the README I am happy with. :-)