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Maybe making a project 'public' should require admin confirmation? #1045

Open prioux opened 3 years ago

prioux commented 3 years ago

I just connected as a demo user and I see all the test public projects that people have created. It's a bit annoying.

Screen Shot 2020-10-22 at 11 22 23

Maybe making a project 'public' should require an administrator to approve? Otherwise we risk everyone's environments to be polluted by tons of public projects created by careless users.

The other possibility is that in the project selection page, we have a button to show/hide public projects.

AlexandreHutton commented 3 years ago

Seems like "public" should mean "fetchable." Anybody can make a project public, but other users would have to go find it for it to appear on their project page. So, adding a button like, "browse public projects" followed by "link public project to user project space."

MontrealSergiy commented 3 years ago

I agree with Alexander, that additonal button or checkbox for publshings/discoverability could alleviate the situation. It is pretty common (though not always the case) data rep there could be review process where somebody approves a submission to some public repository (it is quite lengthy in the case of journals with very involved reviews process editors ets ). Users of smart phones also know some approval exists for Android and AI map. It is not clear do we/user need two buttons/checkboxes or one with publish requrest/discoverablity is enough.

maxadam2017 commented 3 years ago

The projects page has a color key for "Public, User, Personal and Shared" projects. how about making those into radio buttons? Toggle them on and off to get the view that you like.

prioux commented 3 years ago

@AlexandreHutton Yep. But it means we need to save a new piece of 'state' information about each pair [user. project]. I'll think about it.

@maxadam2017 Good suggestion. Complicated to implement (old view code), but it would be nice indeed.

MontrealSergiy commented 2 months ago

This new attribute (I would call it endorsed/non-endorsed, vetted, featured) seems to be is easy to add, yet the current panel view should be adjsted by splitting Public into Recomended and Other Public.

Actually we can have recommended/featured private project, user will see the name of the project in list but would not be able to access it.