acf-extended / ACF-Extended

🚀 All-in-one enhancement suite that improves WordPress & Advanced Custom Fields
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Save block type in json automatically for version control. #99

Closed razvanFrandes closed 1 year ago

razvanFrandes commented 2 years ago


I find block types very easy to use and saves a lot of time, although I wish there is something to save the block types in a json format and be able to sync between environments and load from there. I know this feature is pretty new in ACF.

Filed groups has this filter acf/settings/save_json where you can select the path where you want to save/load the fields. Hope it will be in the new version.

Thank you :)

eiiot commented 1 year ago


acf-extended commented 1 year ago


Just a heads up to let you know that the latest ACF Extended Pro 0.8.9 update introduced the PHP/Json sync for Block Types, Options Pages, Post Types, Taxonomies & Templates.

Have a nice day!
