I have installed all dependencies for Styrene, cloned the repo, and run Styrene with the example config file. Everything works as expected. Now, I have copied out the example config file and have started making modifications, but one thing is not clear: how do you include, for example, a set of precompiled libraries with the bundle. For example, what I would like to include in the bundle is,
a set of precompiled libraries in $PREFIX/lib
the MSYS2 packages on which the libraries in $PREFIX/lib depend on (revealed by, for example, ldd $PREFIX/lib/<MY_LIB>.dll
The resulting bundle does not need to be an installer: it could simply be a .zip. Thank you for your time and for the work you've put into Styrene.
Hello, I have installed all dependencies for Styrene, cloned the repo, and run Styrene with the example config file. Everything works as expected. Now, I have copied out the example config file and have started making modifications, but one thing is not clear: how do you include, for example, a set of precompiled libraries with the bundle. For example, what I would like to include in the bundle is,
depend on (revealed by, for example,ldd $PREFIX/lib/<MY_LIB>.dll
The resulting bundle does not need to be an installer: it could simply be a .zip. Thank you for your time and for the work you've put into Styrene.