acharkq / ProtT3

Source code for ACL 2024 paper: "ProtT3: Protein-to-Text Generation for Text-based Protein Understanding"
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Code for inference #2

Open SalvatoreRa opened 2 months ago

SalvatoreRa commented 2 months ago


very nice work, I would like to know how to use in inference. Have you any suggestions on how to use it in inference?

For example, loading the model and asking a question about a protein

This code looks like it is needing some training:

python --devices '0,1,2,3' --mode train --filename prot_qa --num_query_token 8 --save_every_n_epochs 10 --num_workers 8 --batch_size 128 --accumulate_grad_batches 1 --precision 'bf16-mixed' --root "data/PDBDataset" --llm_tune mid_lora --prompt "Question: {} Answer:" --inference_batch 32 --max_inference_len 36 --init_checkpoint /path/to/pdbqa_ft.ckpt;

Thank you for your help