achen353 / TransformerSum

BERT-based extractive summarizer for long legal document using a divide-and-conquer approach
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 0 forks source link

Note: How to Use this Repo #3

Closed achen353 closed 2 years ago

achen353 commented 2 years ago
  1. NEVER commit directly to master
  2. Open an issue for any tasks you're working on or problem you're trying to solve
  3. Make PRs for any code change for any corresponding issues you are assigned to
  4. No rules on Issue/PR naming, but, preferably for your branches, name it like add-<issue #>-<short description> (e.g. add-1-abstractive-test-results. Other starting phrases are fine too (e.g. add, fix, refactor)
  5. COMMENT your code, especially when there's a complicated logic to follow
  6. For code, follow general Python convention and, when possible, use formatters like black and isort.