acheong08 / ChatGPT

Reverse engineered ChatGPT API
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Bug]: Currently, data["message"] can only retrieve an empty value. #1403

Closed liutehande closed 1 year ago

liutehande commented 1 year ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

What happened?

from revChatGPT.V1 import Chatbot chatbot = Chatbot(config={ "access_token": "" }) prompt = "how many beaches does portugal have?" response = "" for data in chatbot.ask( prompt ): response = data["message"] print(response)

Currently, data["message"] can only retrieve an empty value. It will wait for a period of time, and I suspect that after the timeout, it will return an empty value directly, unable to retrieve the conversation from ChatGPT.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Currently, data["message"] can only retrieve an empty value. It will wait for a period of time, and I suspect that after the timeout, it will return an empty value directly, unable to retrieve the conversation from ChatGPT.

What should have happened?

It will wait for a period of time, and I suspect that after the timeout, it will return an empty value directly, unable to retrieve the conversation from ChatGPT.

Version where the problem happens


What Python version are you running this with?


What is your operating system ?

No response

Command Line Arguments


Console logs


Additional information

No response

acheong08 commented 1 year ago

Can anyone replicate this? Can't find the source of the issue

3mora2 commented 1 year ago

same with me, now in __send_request function

        response =

response return empty text

EpicCodeWizard commented 1 year ago

Same with me, library was working few months ago but suddenly stopped working.

hansfzlorenzana commented 1 year ago

Same with me. I also checked and the conversation is there. Here is the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/envs/maxim/lib/python3.10/site-packages/revChatGPT/", line 665, in __check_response
  File "/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/envs/maxim/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/", line 1021, in raise_for_status
    raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 524 Server Error:  for url:

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Volumes/.../", line 21, in <module>
    for data in chatbot.ask(prompt=f'{prompt} {question}',
  File "/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/envs/.../lib/python3.10/site-packages/revChatGPT/", line 551, in ask
    yield from self.post_messages(
  File "/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/envs/.../lib/python3.10/site-packages/revChatGPT/", line 504, in post_messages
    yield from self.__send_request(
  File "/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/envs/.../lib/python3.10/site-packages/revChatGPT/", line 345, in __send_request
  File "/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/envs/.../lib/python3.10/site-packages/revChatGPT/", line 61, in wrapper
    out = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/envs/.../lib/python3.10/site-packages/revChatGPT/", line 672, in __check_response
    raise error from ex
revChatGPT.typings.Error: OpenAI: <!DOCTYPE html>
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 (code: 524)
icevivian commented 1 year ago

same with me , it can not work now, output: `Traceback (most recent call last): File "/root/anaconda3/envs/zrx-torchrun-finetune/lib/python3.9/site-packages/revChatGPT/", line 668, in __check_response response.raise_for_status() File "/root/anaconda3/envs/zrx-torchrun-finetune/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/", line 1021, in raise_for_status raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 524 Server Error: for url:

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:` if requests again, it will return an empty value.

acheong08 commented 1 year ago


Give steps to replicate please

acheong08 commented 1 year ago

Edit: Checking the discord server, seems like there was some downtime on OpenAI's end

hansfzlorenzana commented 1 year ago

Yes. It's working fine now.