achille005 / JobApp

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UI flow enhancement ( after the board review and demo to a potential real user) #41

Open achille005 opened 7 years ago

achille005 commented 7 years ago

the new flow

Astrea123 commented 7 years ago

For issue #41 , These are the changes required

Recruiter flow 1)For Selecting Category ,Now need to create new Screen that will store info of job Category with the validation 2) After selecting Control will move on job Profile Screen 3)After that Recruiter will enter the Personal information with Recaptcha

Changes Required for this flow Extra thing One Screen and recaptcha This flow will require new validations, way of storing info at client side and new logic to send info in db on server side and need to write code of recaptcha.

JobSeeker Flow 1)For Selecting Category ,Now need to create new Screen that will store info of job Category with the validation 2)After Selecting the Category, JobSeeker can enter Resume Profile Detail.This page include new fields country,state,city,zipcode So info of these fields will save in Resume_Profile__c Object Currently these fields are on JobSeeker Information page So info of these fields is in Contact object 3)After Entering info of Resume Profile ,User can upload resume 4)After Uploading file, User can enter info about himself that will store the in “Contact ” object.Country,state,city,zipcode is not the contact object

Changes Required for this flow

This flow has four step registration New Screen for Job category and uploading resume with the Recaptcha functionality This will require validations, way of storing info at client side and changes in the logic of server side and need to write code of recaptcha

Since country, state,city ,zipcode is move to Resume_Profile__c object So I need to make changes in the Email cronjob code and JobSeeker dashboard also in this issue you have asked for css changes also ,So I need to check that also We need to create new test cases for that and also need to do testing again.

It will take extra time of 2 or 3 Weeks . Please let us know if it fine for you or you want to shift this in next release

Please Correct me if I misunderstood any thing

achille005 commented 7 years ago

Please leave the backend alone and just restructure the UI, You have most UI code and validation already.

you said: "country, state,city ,zipcode is move to Resume_Profile__c object So I need to make changes in the Email cronjob code and JobSeeker dashboard also"

Each UI screen does not have to match with an Object. No? you can have "country, state,city ,zipcode " and "Job Tile, skills,..." on the same screen but save them in different Objects. No? Conceptually, it does makes a lot of sens to save "country, state,city ,zipcode " in the "Resume Object"

This changes have to be in this first release as we are not adding a new functionality

achille005 commented 7 years ago

Also looking at these plans here ( - it is affordable. That is, we should be able to do the 3 resume upload types. The argument around this being: The main reason why the Recruiter will want to pay for an app like this is find resumes and we are limitting to JS ways of adding resume to the app -- many people were not enthusiastic about it

achille005 commented 7 years ago

What you should do is instantiate a resume and JS/R profile object at the beginning of the flow and keep setting/populating it from screen to screen and on the last screen you save it into DB

Astrea123 commented 7 years ago

I have couple of question about this flow 1)Should I assign default value of "How often to receive email Alert" field or it will be empty ? 2)You want Attach resume as a separate screen right ? ,here "Skip for now" options is for if user does not want to select the file but if user want to select the file there is no button to move on after selecting the file

achille005 commented 7 years ago

1)Should I assign default value of "How often to receive email Alert" field or it will be empty ?

yes. Default it to "Daily" 2)You want Attach resume as a separate screen right ? ,here "Skip for now" options is for if user does not want to select the file but if user want to select the file there is no button to move on after selecting the file i missed "Continue" button on that screen and this "Continue" button has the same functionality as "Skip for now" button - If pressed show that pop with that message

achille005 commented 7 years ago

@With all the algorithm issues on job title vs skill set, my team has decided to make a simple as possible so that we end up with an application that works. Here are the changes my team has decided:

ui flow 2

achille005 commented 7 years ago

ui flow 3

achille005 commented 7 years ago

As the title said: "Tell a friend about JobApp" sharing the app LOGO as the home page link with hard coded title/subtitle "Looking for a new Job? Try JobApp" in Bold font. The current functionality on home page is correct. Just copy and paste on the footer of the other screens

achille005 commented 7 years ago
Astrea123 commented 7 years ago

I have noticed that there is no "preference field" in the image ,Do you want to remove it? Please reply asap.

achille005 commented 7 years ago

It is only available on Dashboard.

Astrea123 commented 7 years ago

Social login functionality is different on and , Monster when we click on social login button it take info from Social login site and fill the form Indeed when we click on Social login button then it will create account in database

Which one you prefer?

achille005 commented 7 years ago

The best one is Monster because it gives the user the chance to change their detail before saving it to db )

achille005 commented 7 years ago

I see you deployed the new design,

achille005 commented 7 years ago

After a lengthy discussion we have decided to include "Your Job Category" screen right after the second screen. ( see the illustration below....

new ui flow

Astrea123 commented 7 years ago

I have checked monster site . In India Social login functionality is different . That's why I have asked you

" Social login functionality is different on and , Monster when we click on social login button it take info from Social login site and fill the form Indeed when we click on Social login button then it will create account in database Which one you prefer?"

After that you replied "The best one is Monster because it gives the user the chance to change their detail before saving it to db )"

I have prepared a video of this Please take a look.

I have checked

It has different logic if you want functionality like this page has ,then in my opinion Social login functionality should apply on first screen because we have already filled the email address and user will be confuse after that.

NOTE : We cannot fetch password from the Social login

achille005 commented 7 years ago
achille005 commented 7 years ago

You got my point above? It is important for the app.

achille005 commented 7 years ago

Also putting this link here since it is UI related:

Astrea123 commented 7 years ago

Yes , I got your point. We have put option to do social media login on profile screen of jobseeker and recuiter. if JobSeeker create account using social media then resume and contact info will save in db. if Recruiter create account using social media then job and contact info will save in db and user will move on dashboard. For login from social media we have provided button on login page from there he can login simply.

New account will be create during registration time only. When user use social login on login page no new account will be create, only this will be checked if user have already registered then he will move to dashboard otherwise alert will be shown.

achille005 commented 7 years ago

if you have no soical media session, user is asked to create a social media account on social media site > then fetch fName and lName for edit > then authenticate > dashabord image

Astrea123 commented 7 years ago

Yes I agree that if user choose to login with social media then no password is required.

1) Right now what we are doing is if user click social media button then --his new account will be created. --Firstname and Lastname are fetched from social media account and same will be stored. --Mail id of social media account is stored in database. --For password we are not storing anything in database. --During login process from social media same password as of social media account will be used for authentication. Social media will authenticate the user.

2) If user create his account by normal process then -- he will fill value of firstname, lastname, password and then his account will be created. -- as during login user can't login only by using username only, password is also must. --So we have make password as required field (for doing login password is necessary) We can't remove validation from password field.

3) If we do as mentioned in latest github issue 41 (During Registration) --When User will click on social media button Information of user will fetch from his social media account --We will insert firstname, lastname, email on login page and then allow user to edit firstname and lastname. --You don't want user to enter password and we can't fetch password from social media, they don't allow third party app to use users password, as this will breach privacy of user. -- Since we have applied validation on password field to "match the password" and "password as a required field" then we will remove those validation if user has choosen the social login.

achille005 commented 7 years ago

Since we have applied validation on password field to "match the password" and "password as a required field" then we will remove those validation if user has choosen the social login.

Astrea123 commented 7 years ago

We had almost made the changes you suggested. We will deploy the package soon after testing it.

achille005 commented 7 years ago