Open adiltola-kod opened 2 months ago
Port 15672 is usually reserved for the Management UI you see in the browser and the HTTP API. If you're using the default standard ports, the port setting should probably be 5672.
15672 numaralı bağlantı noktası genellikle tarayıcıda gördüğünüz Yönetim Kullanıcı Arabirimi ve HTTP API'si için ayrılmıştır. Varsayılan standart bağlantı noktalarını kullanıyorsanız, bağlantı noktası ayarı büyük olasılıkla 5672 olmalıdır.
I am changing port what you say and i take this error E/flutter ( 4299): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: ConnectionFailedException: Could not connect to after 1 attempts. Giving up
Have you made sure the local RabbitMQ server is running? If the server is running, do the server logs show the connection attempt?
Have you made sure the local RabbitMQ server is running? If the server is running, do the server logs show the connection attempt?
Server is running but connection couldn't see in logs
Note that the listening port section in the posted screenshot, shows that the amqp listener (which this library is meant to connect to) is bound to ::5672.
Gönderilen ekran görüntüsündeki dinleme bağlantı noktası bölümünün, amqp dinleyicisinin (bu kitaplığın bağlanması amaçlanan) ::5672'ye bağlı olduğunu gösterdiğini unutmayın.
I have a RabbitMQ broker in localhost in the port 15672 and I am trying to connect using your library to be able to listen messages through AMQP. I could do it with c# but in flutter I am not be able to connect.
`ConnectionSettings settings = ConnectionSettings( virtualHost: "mwmyjkim", host: "localhost", port: 15672, authProvider: const PlainAuthenticator( "username", "password"),
Could not connect to after 1 attempts. Giving up" and if I put my ip address, it throws "FatalException: Lost connection to the server".