Open aavogt opened 2 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion! Perhaps, we'd need to check how it plays with the unboxed unlifted element types, since the language support for this has become much better in the recent versions of ghc. Actually, I wanted to replace the two with the SIMD vectors at some point (which is currently easy, but I'm not sure if that's possible with rewrite rules alone). If you manage to do this, a PR would be greatly appreciated! Alternatively, you can try to implement your new quaternion type and the corrseponding class instance.
Hi I would like to use easytensor with ad but
instance Quaternion (Reverse s Double)
is missing. Perhaps the methods ofclass Quaternion
can be ordinary functions onnewtype Quater a = Quater (Vector a 4)
with SPECIALIZE pragmas for Double and Float. ThenNumeric.Quaternion.Internal.QDouble
duplication will be gone, and maybe the numbers defined by ad will also work.