achiurizo / consular

Terminal automation
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run command broken. removed parentheses in dsl #70

Closed kyriacos closed 13 years ago

kyriacos commented 13 years ago

For some reason, nothing worked. The commands where called with parentheses i.e. (mate .). So besides having textmate trying to load '/' and crashing everything is okay.

I removed the parentheses and everything is okay now.

achiurizo commented 13 years ago

i don't think I follow. You mean only when you do

run "mate ."

that things crash?

kyriacos commented 13 years ago

for example: run "rails s"

will ran as: (rails s) with parentheses in the terminal, which means it wont work.

now i just removed the ( ) from the code so it runs normally i.e rails s

edit: sorry accidentaly closed the pull request

achiurizo commented 13 years ago

what are you running terminitor on? I don't see why the () prevents it from working properly. I can run

(rails s)

from terminal just fine.

kyriacos commented 13 years ago

well i can run (rails s) it just fine. try (cd somedir)

I tried running a couple of commands, some work and some dont. I dont understand why you need to have parentheses there anyway. It worked great as it was :).

edit: Ok now i get it. You probably have the Termfile in the project directory. I use terminitor from my current ~ home directory and just type start projectname. Since i have a before { cd pathname }, it doesnt go in the proper directory as the 'cd' command doesnt work with like this (cd directory). Anyway if you dont mind, the parentheses are unnecessary as they dont really add any value and make it less compatible?

Thanks :)

achiurizo commented 13 years ago

i've merged you commit in and added an additional fix to ensure that parens are generated only when a background operator is existent in the command. Hope this fixes your issues. its been released as 0.5.1.

kyriacos commented 13 years ago

Thanks ill give it a try now.

edit: works great now. Thanks for the acknowledgement btw :) appreciate it