achtman-lab / GrapeTree

GrapeTree is a fully interactive, tree visualization program, which supports facile manipulations of both tree layout and metadata. Click the first link to launch:
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Uploading metadata #92

Open peflanag opened 4 years ago

peflanag commented 4 years ago


I use the website to visualise trees and for the time being have been entering metadata manually. Is there a way to upload the metadata from an excel file or to copy and past it in? I have vast amounts.



zheminzhou commented 4 years ago

Yes, you can upload a tab-delimited file describing metadata into the GrapeTree (via "load files"). The first row of the file needs to be the name of metadata fields, and the other rows describe the metadata content of every genome. The only requirement is that a column named "ID" needs to be consistent with the tip names in the tree.

You can find examples of the metadata files under

This file is used to annotate the tree:

peflanag commented 4 years ago

Hey @zheminzhou thats great thanks so much for the info!