acidanthera / bugtracker

Acidanthera Bugtracker
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The 14.2 and 14.3 Sonoma opencore fails to make a usb installation disk with the error the disk failed the partitioning process during the creation the error is as follows " FAILED TO CREATE MACOS I STALLER OUTPUT STARTED ERASE ON DISK 2 UNMOUNTING DISK CREATING THE PARTITIONING MAP WAITING FOR THE PARTITION TO ACTIVATE FORMATTING DISK2S2 as MAC OS EXTENDED WITH THE NAME OCLP-Installer initialized /dev/disk2s2 as 14 GB CASE -insensitive HFS plus volume Mounting disk FINISHED ERASE ON DISK 2 ERROR 2024-01-27 16:47:17:230 OPENCORE-PATCHER [97472:418917] #2375

Closed sasha197541 closed 5 months ago

sasha197541 commented 5 months ago

Please stop and read this carefully. Otherwise your issue will be left unanswered and closed.

Issue tracker is not a support forum, and if you have installation or usage problems, try asking your questions on or There could also be local communities providing Acidanthera Project support in your native language.

For example, if you have an issue with AppleALC and you have not working sound, and you cannot offer new resources that fix the problem for you, you should go to the support forums. Here there are no people who create custom audio resources, or who deal with installation issues.

When to use issue tracker:

If you have a kernel panic, please ensure that you have a DEBUG version of the extension and you have -v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 boot arguments added. On 10.13 or higher to avoid kext names scrolling over the panic log you should also set PanicNoKextDump=YES in OpenCore. Use ApplePanic=YES to write a kernel panic log to file.

Andrey1970AppleLife commented 5 months ago

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