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Kernel Panic on UHD 620 with dual monitors - MacOS Sonoma #2396

Open roverdiani opened 2 months ago

roverdiani commented 2 months ago

I would like to start by thanking all of you guys for the awesome work. I do, however, need some help :)

I have a Lenovo Ideapad 330 with the following configuration:

Currently running MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1

I followed the Dortania guide and got everything working just fine - the system is pretty stable, everything works, including sleep, wifi, audio, battery and so on.

The only problem is: if a plug-in an external HDMI monitor, the system will run fine for a while and then it will start to lag and finally crash, resulting in a Kernel Panic. If I only use the internal monitor (as I'm doing right now), the system is rock solid all day long. I did some research on the problem, but couldn't find any solution yet. Tried playing with the device-ids and framebuffers, but didn't have any luck.

Here is the Kernel Panic log:

panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff80077dd8b7): kfree: addr 0xc10000000000, size 0 (offs:0) not found in any zone @kalloc.c:2668 Panicked task 0xffffff8b82199bd8: 7 threads: pid 779: VTDecoderXPCServ Backtrace (CPU 2), panicked thread: 0xffffff904e69f598, Frame : Return Address 0xfffffff3f62173b0 : 0xffffff80070253b1 mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x4b1 0xfffffff3f6217400 : 0xffffff800718ac80 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x110 0xfffffff3f6217440 : 0xffffff800717a34c mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x55c 0xfffffff3f62174c0 : 0xffffff800a9705af as.vit9696.VirtualSMC : __ZN18VirtualSMCProvider10kernelTrapI22x86_saved_state_1010_tEEvPT_Pm + 0x47f 0xfffffff3f6217540 : 0xffffff8006fbe971 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xc1 0xfffffff3f6217560 : 0xffffff800702569d mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0x5d 0xfffffff3f6217650 : 0xffffff8007024d43 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x1e3 0xfffffff3f62176b0 : 0xffffff80077daffb mach_kernel : _panic + 0x84 0xfffffff3f62177a0 : 0xffffff80077dd8b7 mach_kernel : _panic_with_thread_context + 0x274a 0xfffffff3f62177e0 : 0xffffff8007035372 mach_kernel : _kfree_ext + 0x152 0xfffffff3f6217800 : 0xffffff7f9c0fe8c5 : __ZN16IOAccelSysMemory4freeEv + 0x16b 0xfffffff3f6217820 : 0xffffff7f9c0cb821 : __ZN16IOAccelResource24freeEv + 0x1b9 0xfffffff3f6217850 : 0xffffff7f9c0cbbaf : __ZN16IOAccelResource213sharedReleaseEP14IOAccelShared2 + 0xc1 0xfffffff3f6217880 : 0xffffff7f9c0d6845 : __ZN24IOAccelSharedUserClient215delete_resourceEj + 0xa9 0xfffffff3f62178c0 : 0xffffff80077475f6 mach_kernel : _shim_io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO + 0x2d6 0xfffffff3f6217950 : 0xffffff8007745dc2 mach_kernel : __ZN12IOUserClient14externalMethodEjP25IOExternalMethodArgumentsP24IOExternalMethodDispatchP8OSObjectPv + 0x272 0xfffffff3f62179a0 : 0xffffff7f9c0d7dc8 : __ZN24IOAccelSharedUserClient214externalMethodEjP25IOExternalMethodArgumentsP24IOExternalMethodDispatchP8OSObjectPv + 0x82 0xfffffff3f62179f0 : 0xffffff8007750526 mach_kernel : __ZN12IOUserClient18callExternalMethodEjP25IOExternalMethodArguments + 0x86 0xfffffff3f6217a20 : 0xffffff800775089d mach_kernel : _is_io_connect_method + 0x31d 0xfffffff3f6217b90 : 0xffffff8007132bbf mach_kernel : _iokit_server_routine + 0x3aef 0xfffffff3f6217cb0 : 0xffffff8006ffd7bc mach_kernel : _ipc_kmsg_send + 0x55c 0xfffffff3f6217d70 : 0xffffff8007015da4 mach_kernel : _mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 0x5a4 0xfffffff3f6217de0 : 0xffffff800701636f mach_kernel : _mach_msg2_trap + 0x30f 0xfffffff3f6217ee0 : 0xffffff800715f1ab mach_kernel : _mach_call_munger64 + 0x22b 0xfffffff3f6217fa0 : 0xffffff8006fbedd6 mach_kernel : _hndl_mach_scall64 + 0x16 Kernel Extensions in backtrace: as.vit9696.VirtualSMC(1.3.2)[71035DEB-98F5-3B4E-BBF0-ED7E662A498A]@0xffffff800a961000->0xffffff800a987fff dependency: as.vit9696.Lilu(1.6.7)[25741132-2DF3-334A-9556-DFED6B982FB5]@0xffffff800a8d7000->0xffffff800a95efff dependency:[04DDFFBA-0499-3590-B6C5-C40851E28B4F]@0xffffff8008ef6000->0xffffff8008ef7fff[D4E64BC5-BB33-38C7-A445-932573231969]@0xffffff7f9c0a9000->0xffffff7f9c113fff dependency:[32EB6C1D-092C-34E5-9445-C84D15E83C9E]@0xffffff800869a000->0xffffff80086d1fff dependency:[79F2F7E4-E451-35E1-BF22-1EFFA4192888]@0xffffff7f9c239000->0xffffff7f9c267fff dependency:[8C69C22C-E037-3FA0-96EF-11FF35FA1DCD]@0xffffff8009366000->0xffffff8009397fff dependency:[8476E632-A5DB-34EC-A637-30C25D8C1767]@0xffffff80093a8000->0xffffff80093aafff dependency:[657B0D2A-05E6-3C37-90A7-F14D42AF1488]@0xffffff80094ca000->0xffffff80094f0fff Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff904e69f598): VTDecoderXPCServ Boot args: -v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 igfxonln=1 -vi2c-force-polling alcid=20 Mac OS version: 23E224 Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 23.4.0: Fri Mar 15 00:11:05 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.101.17~1/RELEASE_X86_64 Kernel UUID: F1663C03-D822-3B5E-9D84-B324A759EC85 roots installed: 0 KernelCache slide: 0x0000000006c00000 KernelCache base: 0xffffff8006e00000 Kernel slide: 0x0000000006ce4000 Kernel text base: 0xffffff8006ee4000 __HIB text base: 0xffffff8006d00000 System model name: MacBookPro15,4 (Mac-53FDB3D8DB8CA971) System shutdown begun: NO Panic diags file available: YES (0x0) Hibernation exit count: 0 System uptime in nanoseconds: 707783476821 Last Sleep: absolute base_tsc base_nano Uptime : 0x000000a4cb2ecad7 Sleep : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 Wake : 0x0000000000000000 0x00000027ad24f634 0x0000000000000000 Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space Zone info: Zone map: 0xffffff804bf2b000 - 0xffffffa04bf2b000 . PGZ : 0xffffff804bf2b000 - 0xffffff804d72c000 . VM : 0xffffff804d72c000 - 0xffffff851a05f000 . RO : 0xffffff851a05f000 - 0xffffff86b38c5000 . GEN0 : 0xffffff86b38c5000 - 0xffffff8b801f8000 . GEN1 : 0xffffff8b801f8000 - 0xffffff904cb2b000 . GEN2 : 0xffffff904cb2b000 - 0xffffff951945e000 . GEN3 : 0xffffff951945e000 - 0xffffff99e5d91000 . DATA : 0xffffff99e5d91000 - 0xffffffa04bf2b000 Metadata: 0xffffffaad818a000 - 0xffffffaaf818a000 Bitmaps : 0xffffffaaf818a000 - 0xffffffaafa58a000 Extra : 0 - 0

Thank you for your attention!

ShroomKing commented 2 months ago

Which SMBIOS, device-id, platform-id and framebuffer configuration are you using?

I have a laptop with an i7-8650u which has the same iGPU, and it's rock solid even when using 2 external monitors + internal panel.

Rybo713 commented 4 days ago

@ShroomKing Can you share your config.plist?