acidanthera / bugtracker

Acidanthera Bugtracker
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Vault and signature is corrupted in OC 1.0.2 #2443

Open junzhli opened 3 weeks ago

junzhli commented 3 weeks ago

Hello team,

I build my own OC with vault and signature enforced. I build its vault.plist and vault.sig as always as I did before, and it can't work properly since 1.0.2 It works seamlessly before 1.0.2

OCST: Invalid vault signature
OC: Failed to open root FS - Security Violation!


Here's the error occurred as shown in the screenshot. It seems like something is wrong here? Currently, I can only fall back to using "basic" option to enforce integrity validation with less secure level Thanks!!

junzhli commented 2 weeks ago

I notice the issue is gone when swapped to the debug build of opencore, it seems like there's a trouble in this release build

Gobias64 commented 1 week ago

I'm getting the same error with Vault set to Secure in OC 1.0.2. I used sign.command from the latest release to create vault.plist and vault.sig like I always do.