acidanthera / bugtracker

Acidanthera Bugtracker
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Audio does not play with X99 board and ALC1150 #72

Closed acidanthera-bot closed 6 years ago

acidanthera-bot commented 8 years ago

@llamafilm opened vit9696/AppleALC#70

I'm trying release version 1.0.13, and cannot get any audio to play in iTunes; the playhead stays at 0:00 and does not move. I have no previous audio modifications, this is a fresh install. I have FixHDA enabled in Clover, and I've tried layouts 5, 7, and 11. The driver appears to be loading, as shown in kextstat.txt. The audio device is called HDEF, as shows here in IOJones: iojones system.log shows these lines, with the latter 2 lines repeated hundreds of times. Not sure if that's related:

Aug  1 16:48:43 Hackintosh kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDAController at line 6576
Aug  1 16:48:43 Hackintosh kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDAEngine at line 1863
Aug  1 16:48:43 Hackintosh kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDAController at line 6649
Aug  1 16:48:43 Hackintosh kernel[0]: Sound assertion in IOHDAStream at line 384
acidanthera-bot commented 8 years ago

@vit9696 commented

Hello. Do you have speakers selected in preferences?

acidanthera-bot commented 8 years ago

@llamafilm commented

Yes, I've tried all options there — internal speakers, and both line outs.

acidanthera-bot commented 8 years ago

@vit9696 commented

Am I right that sound does not work at all and not just in iTunes? Did the sound used to work for you on a different installation? Are you using debug or release version?

I have release version, also 1150 here using layout 11, and it works for me. Could you check the previous version? I wonder if 5, 7, 11 layouts cover all the use cases. If it still fails, I am afraid it is not AppleALC fault but resources, therefore you need somebody to help you with them.

acidanthera-bot commented 8 years ago

@llamafilm commented

I previously tried 1.0.12, and was never able to get any analog audio working. Today I wiped the hard drive and did a fresh install, and tried the new version. I tried the release version first, then also tried debug version.
Correct, sound does not work at all; I've also tried playback from other apps. What do you mean by resources? I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this now.

acidanthera-bot commented 8 years ago

@vit9696 commented

Well, AppleALC does not do magic. It only feeds AppleHDA with user supplied resources (the ones you usually patch manually into the kext). If you do not understand how AppleHDA patching works you should learn this first.

All in all if you did everything correctly no resources are compatible with your codec. This is unlikely but possible.

To debug this you can use debug version and -alcdbg in boot-args. Later run cat /var/log/system.log | grep AppleALC I could give it a look as well, I guess. But most likely it will be a confirmation that AppleALC did stuff you asked it to do.

acidanthera-bot commented 8 years ago

@llamafilm commented

Unfortunately, I'm not a programmer myself, but I do appreciate all the work you folks do. Here is the debug output from system.log, using layout-id 5.

Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) config @ boot arguments disabled 0, debug 1
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) init @ initialising with Policy mode
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for AppleALC
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: AppleALC Kernel Extension (AppleALC)
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) policy @ init bsd
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: init @ version 1.0.13 DEBUG build
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) config @ policy hit
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) config @ initialising enabler
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ MachInfo asKernel 1 object constructed
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Address of interrupt 80 stub is 0xffffff8000433790
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Found kernel mach-o header address at 0xffffff8000200000
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Found executable at path: /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found TEXT
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found LINKEDIT
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found SYMTAB
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Address of interrupt 80 stub is 0xffffff8000433790
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Found kernel mach-o header address at 0xffffff8000200000
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ aslr/load slide is 0x0
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ MachInfo asKernel 0 object constructed
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Found executable at path: /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAController.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAController
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found TEXT
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found LINKEDIT
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found SYMTAB
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ loaded kinfo at 1u index
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Found symbol _OSKextLoadedKextSummariesUpdated at 0xffffff8000881070 (non-aslr 0xffffff8000881070)
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ _OSKextLoadedKextSummariesUpdated address FFFFFF8000881070 value 2E66C35DE5894855
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Found symbol _gLoadedKextSummaries at 0xffffff8000b12d90 (non-aslr 0xffffff8000b12d90)
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ _gLoadedKextSummaries address 0xffffff8000b12d90
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ diff FFFFFFFF820BA38B argument 820BA38B
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) private @ writing to 881070 value of 1u which is E9
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) private @ writing to 881071 value of 4u which is 820BA38B
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ MachInfo asKernel 0 object constructed
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Found executable at path: /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelFramebufferAzul.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelFramebufferAzul
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found TEXT
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found LINKEDIT
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found SYMTAB
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ loaded kinfo at 2u index
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ MachInfo asKernel 0 object constructed
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Found executable at path: /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDA
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found TEXT
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found LINKEDIT
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found SYMTAB
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ loaded kinfo at 3u index
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ MachInfo asKernel 0 object constructed
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Found executable at path: /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelFramebufferCapri
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found TEXT
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found LINKEDIT
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ header processing found SYMTAB
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ loaded kinfo at 4u index
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) config @ policy hit
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81C83000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81C8D000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81CA1000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81CBD000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F82902000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81C15000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F8253E000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F812B4000 and its name is com.nvidia.NVDAStartup
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F82421000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F80C05000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F80C1F000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F80C97000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F80CCF000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F80D16000 and its name is com.blackmagic-design.desktopvideo.iokit.driver
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F82644000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F82657000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ caught the right kext at FFFFFF7F82657000, invoking handler
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ aslr/load slide is 0xffffff7f82657000
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) ioutil @ failed to find IGPU
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) ioutil @ failed to find HDAU
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) util @ getOSData vendor-id has 8086 value
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) util @ getOSData device-id has 8D20 value
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) util @ getOSData revision-id has 5 value
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) util @ getOSData layout-id has 5 value
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) util @ getOSData AAPL,ig-platform-id was not found
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ found 1u audio controllers
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ validating 0u controller 8086:8D20:5
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ comparing to 0u mod 8086:8CA0
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ comparing to 1u mod 8086:C0C
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ comparing to 2u mod 8086:8D20
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ found mod for 0u controller
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ applying patches for 1u kext
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ applying 0u patch for 1u kext
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ getRunningPosition 0xffffff7f82657000 of memory 1c000u size
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F80DBF000 and its name is com.blackmagic-design.desktopvideo.firmware
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F80BFE000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F812B8000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F825D3000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F824AA000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F825CE000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F8210E000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81D8F000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F812C8000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F812CF000 and its name is com.nvidia.web.NVDAResmanWeb
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F815B6000 and its name is com.nvidia.web.NVDAGK100HalWeb
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81F54000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81FD1000 and its name is com.nvidia.web.GeForceWeb
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81BFC000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F818FC000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81C11000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F824B7000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F824C8000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F822E2000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F82673000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F82696000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F827D1000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ caught the right kext at FFFFFF7F827D1000, invoking handler
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ aslr/load slide is 0xffffff7f827d1000
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ found supported Realtek ALC1150 codec revision 0x100001
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ applying patches for 3u kext
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ will route callbacks resource loading callbacks
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ applying patches for 3u kext
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ applying 1u patch for 3u kext
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ getRunningPosition 0xffffff7f827d1000 of memory fa000u size
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ applying 2u patch for 3u kext
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ getRunningPosition 0xffffff7f827d1000 of memory fa000u size
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ applying 3u patch for 3u kext
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ getRunningPosition 0xffffff7f827d1000 of memory fa000u size
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Found symbol __ZN14AppleHDADriver18layoutLoadCallbackEjiPKvjPv at 0xffffff7f827dd858 (non-aslr 0xc858)
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) mach @ Found symbol __ZN14AppleHDADriver20platformLoadCallbackEjiPKvjPv at 0xffffff7f827df018 (non-aslr 0xe018)
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ diff 145C43 argument 145C43
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ diff FFFFFFFFFFEA17C3 argument FFEA17C3
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) private @ writing to 8293C096 value of 1u which is E9
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) private @ writing to 8293C097 value of 4u which is FFEA17C3
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) private @ writing to 827DD858 value of 1u which is E9
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) private @ writing to 827DD859 value of 4u which is 145C43
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ diff 144953 argument 144953
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ diff FFFFFFFFFFEA2F6D argument FFEA2F6D
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) private @ writing to 8293C0AC value of 1u which is E9
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) private @ writing to 8293C0AD value of 4u which is FFEA2F6D
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) private @ writing to 827DF018 value of 1u which is E9
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) private @ writing to 827DF019 value of 4u which is 144953
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:12 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F82653000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:13 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:13 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81D7F000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:13 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:13 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81A39000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:13 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:13 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81AA1000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:13 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:13 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F828CB000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:13 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:13 localhost kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F822EB000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ resource-request arrived layout
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ checking codec 10EC:900:100001
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ selecting from 3u files
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ comparing 0u layout 5/5
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) Found layout at 0u index
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ resource-request arrived paltform
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ checking codec 10EC:900:100001
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ selecting from 3u files
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) alc @ comparing 0u layout 5/5
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) Found platform at 0u index
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81E4C000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81210000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F82221000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:13 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F82114000 and its name is com.nvidia.CUDA
Aug  1 17:51:14 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:14 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81AEF000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:14 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:14 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81979000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:14 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:14 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F817E8000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:14 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:14 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F823E1000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:14 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:14 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F8222C000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:14 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:14 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F81A2F000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:15 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:15 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F82321000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:15 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:15 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F82638000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:15 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:15 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F8198D000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:27 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:27 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F828E8000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:27 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:27 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F828EB000 and its name is
Aug  1 17:51:27 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ invoked at kext loading/unloading
Aug  1 17:51:27 Hackintosh kernel[0]: AppleALC: (DEBUG) patcher @ last kext is FFFFFF7F825C5000 and its name is
acidanthera-bot commented 8 years ago

@vit9696 commented

Yes, from what I can tell everything looks correct. Please find working resources/patches/config for your codec (try them by manually patching AppleHDA). When you get these — open a new issue so that we can merge them.

acidanthera-bot commented 7 years ago

@vit9696 commented

@llamafilm I think this commit might solve things for you. Please check it out.

acidanthera-bot commented 7 years ago

@llamafilm commented

Thanks, I will try right away. Is there any instruction on how to build the kext? In my Xcode 7.2.1 (on Yosemite), it only has the 10.11 SDK, so I'm downloading Xcode 6.4 now, to copy the 10.10 SDK. After that, do I need to do anything else before running the Xcode project?

acidanthera-bot commented 7 years ago

@vit9696 commented

You could use any Xcode with SDK from 10.8 till 10.12. So no need to download Xcode 6.4. Just if you compile with 10.9+ SDK the kext won't work on 10.8. And no, there is not anything special except a couple of warnings you can ignore.

acidanthera-bot commented 7 years ago

@llamafilm commented

Ok well I went ahead and added the 10.10 SDK to get rid of the warnings. Now I'm running the new 1.0.17, but I have the same problem. System Preferences shows devices (Internal Speakers, Line Out, Line Out, Digital Out), but I hear no sound. When I play a track in iTunes or QT X, the playhead is stuck at zero. Partial log file shown below. I'm not sure how to build the kext in debug mode.

EDIT: Ignore what I just wrote about the SSDT. I just have to use FixHDA and AddDTGP in Clover to get the layout-id injected. ALC1150 is very common, and there are others who have it working on X99 boards with toleda's cloverALC script. But I think something must be different about my board (Gigabyte Designare X99).

9/16/16 11:06:02.000 PM kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDAController at line 6576
9/16/16 11:06:02.000 PM kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDAEngine at line 1863
9/16/16 11:06:02.000 PM kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDAController at line 6649
9/16/16 11:06:02.000 PM kernel[0]: Sound assertion in IOHDAStream at line 384
9/16/16 11:06:02.000 PM kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDAController at line 6649
9/16/16 11:06:02.000 PM kernel[0]: *** kernel exceeded 500 log message per second limit  -  remaining messages this second discarded ***
9/16/16 11:06:02.125 PM QuickTime Player[690]: 23:06:02.124 ERROR:     AQMEIO.cpp:183: StartIO_Sync: timeout
9/16/16 11:06:02.145 PM QuickTime Player[690]: 23:06:02.145 ERROR:     AQMEIO.cpp:183: StartIO_Sync: timeout
9/16/16 11:06:05.484 PM CoreServicesUIAgent[430]: unexpected message <OS_xpc_error: <error: 0x7fff72ac2c60> { count = 1, contents =
    "XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x7fff72ac2f70> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }
9/16/16 11:06:06.361 PM mds[59]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7fc50f028c00 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:/Volumes/firmwaresyncd.vLl7yA/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V1 occlude:0 /Volumes/firmwaresyncd.vLl7yA
Hackintosh:~ elliott$ ioreg -rn HDEF
+-o HDEF@1B  <class IOPCIDevice, id 0x1000003f2, registered, matched, active, b$
  | {
  |   "acpi-device" = "IOACPIPlatformDevice is not serializable"
  |   "acpi-path" = "IOACPIPlane:/_SB/PCI0@0/HDEF@1b0000"
  |   "assigned-addresses" = <10d8008200000000000013cf0000000000400000>
  |   "class-code" = <00030400>
  |   "subsystem-vendor-id" = <58140000>
  |   "vendor-id" = <86800000>
  |   "IOPCIExpressLinkCapabilities" = 0
  |   "IOName" = "pci8086,8d20"
  |   "IOPCIPMCSState" = 0
  |   "AFGLowPowerState" = <03000000>
  |   "pcidebug" = "0:27:0"
  |   "layout-id" = <05000000>
  |   "IOPCIExpressLinkStatus" = 0
  |   "pci-aspm-default" = 0
  |   "IOPCIExpressCapabilities" = 145
  |   "IOInterruptControllers" = ("io-apic-0","IOPCIMessagedInterruptController$
  |   "built-in" = <00>
  |   "IOPCIResourced" = Yes
  |   "IODeviceMemory" = (({"address"=3474128896,"length"=16384}))
  |   "IOPowerManagement" = {"ChildrenPowerState"=2,"CurrentPowerState"=2,"Capa$
  |   "PinConfigurations" = <3001439910401101121001011160010100c537405090a09060$
  |   "name" = <"pci8086,8d20">
  |   "acpi-pmcap-offset" = 80
  |   "subsystem-id" = <82a10000>
  |   "compatible" = <"pci1458,a182","pci8086,8d20","pciclass,040300","HDEF">
  |   "IOReportLegendPublic" = Yes
  |   "reg" = <00d800000000000000000000000000000000000010d800020000000000000000$
  |   "MaximumBootBeepVolume" = <01>
  |   "IOReportLegend" = ({"IOReportGroupName"="Interrupt Statistics (by index)$
  |   "device-id" = <208d0000>
  |   "revision-id" = <05000000>
  |   "IOInterruptSpecifiers" = (<1600000007000000>,<0400000000000100>)
  |   "IOPCIMSIMode" = Yes
  | }
  +-o AppleHDAController@1B  <class AppleHDAController, id 0x100000602, registe$
    +-o IOHDACodecDevice@1B,2  <class IOHDACodecDevice, id 0x100000637, registe$
      +-o IOHDACodecDriver  <class IOHDACodecDriver, id 0x100000639, !registere$
        +-o IOHDACodecFunction@1B,2,1  <class IOHDACodecFunction, id 0x10000063$
          +-o AppleHDACodecGeneric  <class AppleHDACodecGeneric, id 0x10000063b$
            +-o AppleHDADriver  <class AppleHDADriver, id 0x100000648, register$
              +-o AppleHDAEngineInput@1B,2,1,0  <class AppleHDAEngineInput, id $
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o AppleHDAStream  <class AppleHDAStream, id 0x1000006f7, regi$
              | +-o IOAudioSelectorControl  <class IOAudioSelectorControl, id 0$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioLevelControl  <class IOAudioLevelControl, id 0x10000$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioLevelControl  <class IOAudioLevelControl, id 0x10000$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              +-o AppleHDAEngineInput@1B,2,1,1  <class AppleHDAEngineInput, id $
              | +-o AppleHDAStream  <class AppleHDAStream, id 0x100000701, regi$
              | +-o IOAudioSelectorControl  <class IOAudioSelectorControl, id 0$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioLevelControl  <class IOAudioLevelControl, id 0x10000$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioLevelControl  <class IOAudioLevelControl, id 0x10000$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              +-o AppleHDAEngineOutput@1B,2,1,2  <class AppleHDAEngineOutput, i$
              | +-o AppleHDAStream  <class AppleHDAStream, id 0x10000070a, regi$
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o AppleHDAStream  <class AppleHDAStream, id 0x10000070c, regi$
              | +-o IOAudioSelectorControl  <class IOAudioSelectorControl, id 0$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioLevelControl  <class IOAudioLevelControl, id 0x10000$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioLevelControl  <class IOAudioLevelControl, id 0x10000$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
              | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
              | +-o AudioAUUCDriver  <class AudioAUUCDriver, id 0x100000715, re$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
              +-o AppleHDAEngineOutput@1B,2,1,3  <class AppleHDAEngineOutput, i$
                +-o AppleHDAStream  <class AppleHDAStream, id 0x100000716, regi$
                +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, id 0x100$
                | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
                +-o AppleHDAStream  <class AppleHDAStream, id 0x100000718, regi$
                +-o IOAudioSelectorControl  <class IOAudioSelectorControl, id 0$
                | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUserClient$
                +-o AudioAUUCDriver  <class AudioAUUCDriver, id 0x100000727, re$
                +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
                +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
                +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
                +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
                +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
                +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
                +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
                +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, id$
acidanthera-bot commented 7 years ago

@vit9696 commented

Well, the issue is very likely the same as I think you will need to get more involved into the issue to get things fixed. First of all your audio controller is: 8086:8D20 Name: C610/X99 series chipset HD Audio Controller So you need to patch AppleHDAController to make it supported: In Controllers.plist see the 36128 entry, i.e. X99 r1. Edit the patch to mask to a different controller here is the list. Please note that the byte order is reversed. I masked it to 8c20 but it may not be the best idea.

Check all the layouts and outputs in preferences for each controller including the current patch and report when you get things right.

acidanthera-bot commented 7 years ago

@llamafilm commented

Let me see if I'm understanding this right. In Controllers.plist, I should try all 21 of the possible supported IDs. After making the edit, I should recompile in Xcode and reboot with the new AppleALC.kext. Then try all six layouts (1,2,3,5,7,11). That's 126 combinations, this will take many days! Is there something to check to see when it's working, or should I just try playing a song?

That list of IDs is for El Capitan. How can I find the supported IDs for Yosemite? I tried opening the AppleHDAController binary in Hex Fiend and searching for "8086", but that only found three results: 1E20, 2807, and 9C20.

acidanthera-bot commented 7 years ago

@llamafilm commented

Hooray! With some luck and help from bOLEMO, I got it. 8CA0. Of the six layout-ids, 2, 7, and 11 all seem to work fine, showing three output devices: Internal Speakers, Line Out, and Line Out. Does it matter which of those layouts I use?

acidanthera-bot commented 7 years ago

@vit9696 commented

Ohoho, nice you found it. Yes, 126 combinations is a little nasty but if you have luck it is ok :) Sometimes not all the layouts could be checked but that leaves some risk so the best optimisation is probably guessing the try order. I committed the changes, so from now on vanilla AppleALC should work for you.

As for layouts… No idea, usually people choose what works best for them.