Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
Can you send me the log of connection?
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2014 at 10:09
Here it is:
2014-02-06 23:36:14 Kör på SGP311 (MSM8960) Sony, Android API 18, version
0.6.3, officiellt bygge
2014-02-06 23:36:14 Log cleared.
2014-02-06 23:36:29 Bygger konfiguration...
2014-02-06 23:36:31 started Socket Thread
2014-02-06 23:36:32 P:Initializing Google Breakpad!
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Current Parameter Settings:
2014-02-06 23:36:32 config = '/data/data/de.blinkt.openvpn/cache/android.conf'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 mode = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 show_ciphers = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 show_digests = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 show_engines = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 genkey = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 key_pass_file = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 show_tls_ciphers = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 connect_retry_max = 5
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Connection profiles [default]:
2014-02-06 23:36:32 proto = udp
2014-02-06 23:36:32 local = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 local_port = '1194'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_port = '1194'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_float = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 bind_defined = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 bind_local = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 connect_retry_seconds = 5
2014-02-06 23:36:32 connect_timeout = 10
2014-02-06 23:36:32 socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 socks_proxy_retry = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tun_mtu = 1500
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tun_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 link_mtu = 1500
2014-02-06 23:36:32 link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tun_mtu_extra = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tun_mtu_extra_defined = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 mtu_discover_type = -1
2014-02-06 23:36:32 fragment = 1400
2014-02-06 23:36:32 mssfix = 1400
2014-02-06 23:36:32 explicit_exit_notification = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Connection profiles [0]:
2014-02-06 23:36:32 proto = udp
2014-02-06 23:36:32 local = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 local_port = '1194'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote = ''
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_port = '1194'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_float = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 bind_defined = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 bind_local = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 connect_retry_seconds = 5
2014-02-06 23:36:32 connect_timeout = 10
2014-02-06 23:36:32 socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 socks_proxy_retry = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tun_mtu = 1500
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 link_mtu = 1500
2014-02-06 23:36:32 link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tun_mtu_extra = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tun_mtu_extra_defined = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 mtu_discover_type = -1
2014-02-06 23:36:32 fragment = 1400
2014-02-06 23:36:32 mssfix = 1400
2014-02-06 23:36:32 explicit_exit_notification = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Connection profiles END
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_random = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ipchange = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 dev = 'tun'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 dev_type = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 dev_node = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 lladdr = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 topology = 1
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tun_ipv6 = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ifconfig_local = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ifconfig_remote_netmask = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ifconfig_noexec = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ifconfig_nowarn = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ifconfig_ipv6_local = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ifconfig_ipv6_netbits = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ifconfig_ipv6_remote = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 shaper = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 mtu_test = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 mlock = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 keepalive_ping = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 keepalive_timeout = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 inactivity_timeout = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ping_send_timeout = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ping_rec_timeout = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ping_rec_timeout_action = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ping_timer_remote = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remap_sigusr1 = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 persist_tun = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 persist_local_ip = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 persist_remote_ip = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 persist_key = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 passtos = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Nätverksstatus: CONNECTED to WIFI "Strandv38"
2014-02-06 23:36:32 resolve_retry_seconds = 60
2014-02-06 23:36:32 resolve_in_advance = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 username = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 groupname = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 chroot_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 cd_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 writepid = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 up_script = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 down_script = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 down_pre = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 up_restart = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 up_delay = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 daemon = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 inetd = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 log = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 suppress_timestamps = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 machine_readable_output = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 nice = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 verbosity = 4
2014-02-06 23:36:32 mute = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 gremlin = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 status_file = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 status_file_version = 1
2014-02-06 23:36:32 status_file_update_freq = 60
2014-02-06 23:36:32 occ = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 rcvbuf = 65536
2014-02-06 23:36:32 sndbuf = 65536
2014-02-06 23:36:32 sockflags = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 fast_io = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 comp.alg = 2
2014-02-06 23:36:32 comp.flags = 1
2014-02-06 23:36:32 route_script = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 route_default_gateway = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 route_default_metric = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 route_noexec = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 route_delay = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 route_delay_window = 30
2014-02-06 23:36:32 route_delay_defined = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 route_nopull = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 route_gateway_via_dhcp = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 max_routes = 100
2014-02-06 23:36:32 allow_pull_fqdn = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 route
2014-02-06 23:36:32 management_addr =
2014-02-06 23:36:32 management_port = 'unix'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 management_user_pass = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 management_log_history_cache = 250
2014-02-06 23:36:32 management_echo_buffer_size = 100
2014-02-06 23:36:32 management_write_peer_info_file = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 management_client_user = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 management_client_group = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 management_flags = 294
2014-02-06 23:36:32 shared_secret_file = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 key_direction = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ciphername_defined = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ciphername = 'BF-CBC'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 authname_defined = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 authname = 'SHA1'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 prng_hash = 'SHA1'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 prng_nonce_secret_len = 16
2014-02-06 23:36:32 keysize = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 engine = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 replay = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 mute_replay_warnings = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 replay_window = 64
2014-02-06 23:36:32 replay_time = 15
2014-02-06 23:36:32 packet_id_file = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 use_iv = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 test_crypto = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tls_server = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tls_client = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 key_method = 2
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ca_file = '[[INLINE]]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ca_path = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 dh_file = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 cert_file = '[[INLINE]]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 priv_key_file = '[[INLINE]]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 pkcs12_file = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 cipher_list = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tls_verify = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tls_export_cert = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 verify_x509_type = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 verify_x509_name = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 crl_file = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ns_cert_type = 1
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 remote_cert_eku = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 ssl_flags = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tls_timeout = 2
2014-02-06 23:36:32 renegotiate_bytes = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 renegotiate_packets = 0
2014-02-06 23:36:32 renegotiate_seconds = 3600
2014-02-06 23:36:32 handshake_window = 60
2014-02-06 23:36:32 transition_window = 3600
2014-02-06 23:36:32 single_session = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 push_peer_info = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tls_exit = DISABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 tls_auth_file = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 client = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 pull = ENABLED
2014-02-06 23:36:32 auth_user_pass_file = '[UNDEF]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 OpenVPN 2.4-icsopenvpn android-14-armeabi-v7a [SSL
(OpenSSL)] [LZO] [SNAPPY] [EPOLL] [MH] [IPv6] built on Dec 9 2013
2014-02-06 23:36:32 MANAGEMENT: Connected to management server at
2014-02-06 23:36:32 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold release'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'password [...]'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory
-- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this
2014-02-06 23:36:32 LZO compression initializing
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1546 D:138 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0
EL:0 ]
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Socket Buffers: R=[163840->131072] S=[163840->131072]
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1546 D:1400 EF:46 EB:393 ET:0
EL:0 ]
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Fragmentation MTU parms [ L:1546 D:1400 EF:45 EB:393 ET:1
EL:0 ]
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Local Options String: 'V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu
1546,tun-mtu 1500,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,mtu-dynamic,cipher BF-CBC,auth
SHA1,keysize 128,key-method 2,tls-client'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Expected Remote Options String: 'V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu
1546,tun-mtu 1500,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,mtu-dynamic,cipher BF-CBC,auth
SHA1,keysize 128,key-method 2,tls-server'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Local Options hash (VER=V4): 'c086e1aa'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Expected Remote Options hash (VER=V4): '8e7959c7'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address:
2014-02-06 23:36:32 Protecting socket fd 4
2014-02-06 23:36:32 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'bytecount 2'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'PROTECTFD' ok'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 UDP link local (bound): [AF_INET][undef]:1194
2014-02-06 23:36:32 UDP link remote: [AF_INET]
2014-02-06 23:36:32 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state on'
2014-02-06 23:36:32 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1391726192,AUTH,,,
2014-02-06 23:36:32 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET],
sid=9c70a89f cab9bde6
2014-02-06 23:36:37 VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=SE, ST=Sweden, L=Stockholm,
O=Transmode Systems AB, CN=Transmode Systems AB CA,
2014-02-06 23:36:37 VERIFY OK: nsCertType=SERVER
2014-02-06 23:36:37 VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=SE, ST=Sweden, L=Stockholm,
O=Transmode Systems AB, CN=tmgw,
2014-02-06 23:36:58 Data Channel Encrypt: Cipher 'BF-CBC' initialized with 128
bit key
2014-02-06 23:36:58 Data Channel Encrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for
HMAC authentication
2014-02-06 23:36:58 Data Channel Decrypt: Cipher 'BF-CBC' initialized with 128
bit key
2014-02-06 23:36:58 Data Channel Decrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for
HMAC authentication
2014-02-06 23:36:58 Control Channel: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3
DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA
2014-02-06 23:36:58 [tmgw] Peer Connection Initiated with
2014-02-06 23:36:59 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1391726219,GET_CONFIG,,,
2014-02-06 23:37:01 SENT CONTROL [tmgw]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)
2014-02-06 23:37:01 PUSH: Received control message:
'PUSH_REPLY,persist-key,route vpn_gateway 400,route vpn_gateway 400,route
vpn_gateway 400,route vpn_gateway 400,route vpn_gateway 400,route
vpn_gateway 400,route vpn_gateway 400,route vpn_gateway 400,route
vpn_gateway 400,route vpn_gateway 400,route vpn_gateway 400,route
vpn_gateway 400,dhcp-option DOMAIN,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS,route-gateway,topology subnet,ping 5,ping-restart 30,ifconfig'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified
2014-02-06 23:37:01 OPTIONS IMPORT: --persist options modified
2014-02-06 23:37:01 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified
2014-02-06 23:37:01 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified
2014-02-06 23:37:01 OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified
2014-02-06 23:37:01 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options
2014-02-06 23:37:01 ROUTE_GATEWAY IFACE=wlan0
2014-02-06 23:37:01 do_ifconfig, tt->ipv6=0, tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=0
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1391726221,ASSIGN_IP,,,
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'IFCONFIG' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1391726221,ADD_ROUTES,,,
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'ROUTE' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'DNSSERVER' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'DNSSERVER' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'DNSDOMAIN' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'PERSIST_TUN_ACTION'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 Öppnar tun gränssnittet:
2014-02-06 23:37:01 Lokal IPv4: IPv6: null MTU: 1500
2014-02-06 23:37:01 DNS-Server:,, Domän:
2014-02-06 23:37:01 Rutter:,,,,,,,,,,,,
2014-02-06 23:37:01 Rutter IPv6:
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'needok 'OPENTUN' ok'
2014-02-06 23:37:01 Initialization Sequence Completed
2014-02-06 23:37:01 MANAGEMENT:
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2014 at 10:50
From the log it looks completely fine. The routes are installed and even a
default route is set. Can you check your ip with something like googling "my
Original comment by
on 7 Feb 2014 at 9:46
This is really weird. Apparently my routes are fine, the problem must be
elsewhere in my setup. shows I am actually routed through to the
remote vpn server. Sorry for troubling you, and thanks for the fast reply. Now
I have to figure out why my 2X Rdp client is not working after the update.
Maybe a re-install will help.
Original comment by
on 7 Feb 2014 at 6:55
Okay. I am closing the bug.
Original comment by
on 7 Feb 2014 at 9:18
Original issue reported on by
on 6 Feb 2014 at 9:23