In desktop (with smaller screens) unable to scroll to the end of the user manual page. Map legend part cannot be displayed on most devices.
As in the issue #1130
-- Please add discord contact information
discord username: notDepresseDeveloper#0919
Bug environment
Describe the environment produces the bug. For example:
Describe how you are producing the bug step by step
Go to rc in desktop
Click manual
Scroll down
Bug appears
Expected Behaviour
A clear and short text to decribe the expected behaviour.
Screen shots
If possible, add screenshots to describe your bug.
Bug Definition
In desktop (with smaller screens) unable to scroll to the end of the user manual page. Map legend part cannot be displayed on most devices. As in the issue #1130
-- Please add discord contact information discord username:
Bug environment
Describe the environment produces the bug. For example:
Describe how you are producing the bug step by step
Expected Behaviour
A clear and short text to decribe the expected behaviour.
Screen shots
If possible, add screenshots to describe your bug.
Desktop Information
Additional Context
Add any other context about the bug here