acil-bwh / ChestImagingPlatform

Chest Imaging Platform (CIP)
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ComputeFeatureStrength not built properly? #30

Closed rohitrango closed 4 years ago

rohitrango commented 4 years ago

I built CIP with ITKv5 using standard configuration. I tried to run ComputeFeatureStrength and I got some error about subclassing. Here is the full output

$ ComputeFeatureStrength -i lungimage.nrrd -m Frangi -f RidgeLine --std 0.700000,4.000000,7 --ssm 1 --alpha 0.63 --beta 0.51 --C 245 -o featureMap.nrrd
Reading CT from file...
0.7 4 7
Exception caught executing method
itk::ExceptionObject (0x7efec4001140)
Location: "unknown" 
File: /src/CIP/ITKv5/Modules/Core/Common/include/itkImageSource.hxx
Line: 280
Description: itk::ERROR: UnaryFunctorImageFilter2(0x1468880): Subclass should override this method!!! If old behavior is desired invoke this->DynamicMultiThreadingOff(); before Update() is called. The best place is in class constructor.

Seems that this block in ComputeFeatureStrength.cxx is causing the exception:

  catch (itk::ExceptionObject &excp)
      std::cerr << "Exception caught executing method";
      std::cerr << excp << std::endl;
      return cip::EXITFAILURE;

Can anyone help me solve this issue? Thanks!

rohitrango commented 4 years ago

I did a little digging around and found that ITKv5 needs to be built with v4 compatibility "ON".